CDATA_node is a CDATASection node.
COMMENT_node is a Comment node.
DOCUMENT_node is a DocumentFragment node.
DOCUMENT_node is a document.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is a descendant of node.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is an ancestor of node.
DOCUMENT_Set when node and other are not in the same tree.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is following node.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is preceding node.
DOCUMENT_node is a doctype.
ELEMENT_node is an element.
PROCESSING_node is a ProcessingInstruction node.
TEXT_node is a Text node.
baseURIReturns node's node document's document base URL.
childReturns the children.
childrenReturns the child elements.
classAllows for manipulation of element's class content attribute as a set of whitespace-separated tokens through a DOMTokenList object.
Returns the value of element's class content attribute. Can be set to change it.
firstReturns the first child.
firstReturns the first child that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's id content attribute. Can be set to change it.
isReturns true if node is connected and false otherwise.
lastReturns the last child.
lastReturns the last child that is an element, and null otherwise.
localReturns the local name.
namespaceURIReturns the namespace.
nextReturns the first following sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
nextReturns the next sibling.
nodeReturns a string appropriate for the type of node.
nodeReturns the type of node.
offsetFires when the user aborts the download.
The event.
Fires when the object loses the input focus.
The focus event.
Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering.
The event.
Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
The event.
Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object
The mouse event.
Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user double-clicks the object.
The mouse event.
Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
The event.
Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
The event.
Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
The drag event.
Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
The drag event.
Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
The event.
Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
The event.
Occurs when the duration attribute is updated.
The event.
Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state.
The event.
Occurs when the end of playback is reached.
The event
Fires when an error occurs during object loading.
The event.
Fires when the object receives focus.
The event.
Fires when the user presses a key.
The keyboard event
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
The event.
Fires when the user releases a key.
The keyboard event
Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.
The event.
Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position.
The event.
Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined.
The event.
Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data.
The event.
Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
The mouse event.
Occurs when playback is paused.
The event.
Occurs when the play method is requested.
The event.
Occurs when the audio or video has started playing.
The event.
Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data.
The event.
Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased.
The event.
Fires when the user resets a form.
The event.
Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
The event.
Occurs when the seek operation ends.
The event.
Occurs when the current playback position is moved.
The event.
Fires when the current selection changes.
The event.
Occurs when the download has stopped.
The event.
Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted.
The event.
Occurs to indicate the current playback position.
The event.
ontouchstartOccurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted.
The event.
Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available.
The event.
This is a legacy alias of onanimationend
This is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration
This is a legacy alias of onanimationstart
This is a legacy alias of ontransitionend
parentReturns the parent element.
parentReturns the parent.
prefixReturns the namespace prefix.
previousReturns the first preceding sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
previousReturns the previous sibling.
shadowReturns element's shadow root, if any, and if shadow root's mode is "open", and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's slot content attribute. Can be set to change it.
tagReturns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.
Gets/Sets a custom template for adding row UI when grid is empty.
<igx-grid [id]="'igx-grid-1'" [data]="Data" [addRowEmptyTemplate]="myTemplate" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the advanced filtering state.
let advancedFilteringExpressionsTree = this.grid.advancedFilteringExpressionsTree;
this.grid.advancedFilteringExpressionsTree = logic;
Gets/Sets a value indicating whether the advanced filtering is enabled.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [allowAdvancedFiltering]="true" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets if the filtering is enabled.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [allowFiltering]="true" [height]="'305px'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets whether to auto-generate the columns.
The default value is false. When set to true, it will override all columns declared through code or in markup.
<igx-grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets a list of property keys to be excluded from the generated column collection
The collection is only used during initialization and changing it will not cause any changes in the generated columns at runtime unless the grid is destroyed and recreated. To modify the columns visible in the UI at runtime, please use their hidden property.
<igx-grid data=[Data] [autoGenerate]="true" [autoGenerateExclude]="['ProductName', 'Count']"></igx-grid>
const Data = [{ 'Id': '1', 'ProductName': 'name1', 'Description': 'description1', 'Count': 5 }]
Gets/Sets cell selection mode.
By default the cell selection mode is multiple
Sets the key of the row island by which child data would be taken from the row data if such is provided.
Controls the copy behavior of the grid.
Gets/Sets column selection mode
By default the row selection mode is none
Gets/Sets the default width of the columns.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [columnWidth]="100" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets an array of IgxColumnComponent
const colums = this.grid.columns.
Gets/Sets the data clone strategy of the grid when in edit mode.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [dataCloneStrategy]="customCloneStrategy"></igx-grid>
A list of currently rendered IgxGridRowComponent
const dataList = this.grid.dataRowList;
Returns the IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent
's minimum allowed width.
Used internally for restricting header group component width. The values below depend on the header cell default right/left padding values.
Gets the default row height.
const rowHeigh = this.grid.defaultRowHeight;
Gets the custom template, if any, used for row drag ghost.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the row drag indicator icon
Gets/Sets the message displayed when there are no records and the grid is filtered.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [emptyGridMessage]="'The grid is empty'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Get/Sets the message displayed when there are no records.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [emptyGridMessage]="'The grid is empty'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets a custom template when empty.
<igx-grid [id]="'igx-grid-1'" [data]="Data" [emptyGridTemplate]="myTemplate" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets the excel style header icon.
Sets if all immediate children of the grids for this IgxRowIslandComponent
should be expanded/collapsed.
<igx-hierarchical-grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true">
<igx-row-island [key]="'childData'" [expandChildren]="true" #rowIsland>
<!-- ... -->
Gets/Sets the filter mode.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [filterMode]="'quickFilter'" [height]="'305px'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
By default it's set to FilterMode.quickFilter.
Gets/Sets the filtering strategy of the grid.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [filterStrategy]="filterStrategy"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the filtering state.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true" [(filteringExpressionsTree)]="model.filteringExpressions"></igx-grid>
Supports two-way binding.
Gets/Sets the filtering logic of the IgxGridComponent
The default is AND.
<igx-grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true" [filteringLogic]="filtering"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the key indicating whether a row has children. If row has no children it does not render an expand indicator.
<igx-hierarchical-grid #grid [data]="localData" [hasChildrenKey]="'hasEmployees'">
Gets the header row selector template.
Gets the row collapse indicator template.
Gets the header expand indicator template.
Gets/Sets the height.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [height]="'305px'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets if the row selectors are hidden.
By default row selectors are shown
Gets/Sets whether the grid is going to show a loading indicator.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [isLoading]="true" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets a custom template when loading.
<igx-grid [id]="'igx-grid-1'" [data]="Data" [loadingGridTemplate]="myTemplate" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the locale.
If not set, returns browser's language.
Controls whether columns moving is enabled in the grid.
Sets/Gets the paginator template for each child grid created from this row island.
Gets an array of the pinned IgxRowComponent
const pinnedRow = this.grid.pinnedRows;
Gets/Sets the initial pinning configuration.
Allows to apply pinning the columns to the start or the end. Note that pinning to both sides at a time is not allowed.
<igx-grid [pinning]="pinningConfig"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the primary key.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [primaryKey]="'ProductID'" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the resource strings.
By default it uses EN resources.
Gets the row add text template.
Sets a conditional class selector to the grid's row element. Accepts an object literal, containing key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the CSS class and the value is either a callback function that returns a boolean, or boolean, like so:
callback = (row: RowType) => { return row.selected > 6; }
rowClasses = { 'className' : this.callback };
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [rowClasses] = "rowClasses" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets the row collapse indicator template.
Gets/Sets whether rows can be moved.
<igx-grid #grid [rowDraggable]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets the row edit actions template.
Gets the row edit text template.
Gets/Sets whether the rows are editable.
By default it is set to false.
<igx-grid #grid [rowEditable]="true" [primaryKey]="'ProductID'" ></igx-grid>
Gets the row expand indicator template.
Gets/Sets the row height.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [rowHeight]="100" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
A list of IgxGridRowComponent
const rowList = this.grid.rowList;
Gets/Sets row selection mode
By default the row selection mode is 'none' Note that in IgxGrid and IgxHierarchicalGrid 'multipleCascade' behaves like 'multiple'
Gets the row selector template.
Sets conditional style properties on the grid row element. It accepts an object literal where the keys are the style properties and the value is an expression to be evaluated.
styles = {
background: 'yellow',
color: (row: RowType) => row.selected : 'red': 'white'
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [rowStyles]="styles" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets whether clicking over a row should select/deselect it
By default it is set to true
Gets/Sets the current selection state.
Represents the selected rows' IDs (primary key or rowData)
<igx-grid [data]="localData" primaryKey="ID" rowSelection="multiple" [selectedRows]="[0, 1, 2]"><igx-grid>
Gets/Sets whether the columns should be auto-generated once again after the initialization of the grid
This will allow to bind the grid to remote data and having auto-generated columns at the same time. Note that after generating the columns, this property would be disabled to avoid re-creating columns each time a new data is assigned.
this.grid.shouldGenerate = true;
Column re-creation now relies on autoGenerate
Gets/Sets whether the expand/collapse all button in the header should be rendered.
The default value is false.
<igx-hierarchical-grid #grid [data]="localData" [showExpandAll]="true">
Controls whether the summary row is visible when groupBy/parent row is collapsed.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [showSummaryOnCollapse]="true" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
By default showSummaryOnCollapse is set to 'false' which means that the summary row is not visible when the groupBy/parent row is collapsed.
Gets/Sets the display time for the row adding snackbar notification.
By default it is 6000ms.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are sorted in asc order.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are sorted in desc order.
Gets custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are not sorted.
Gets/Sets the sorting strategy of the grid.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [sortStrategy]="sortStrategy"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the sorting state.
Supports two-way data binding.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true" [(sortingExpressions)]="model.sortingExpressions"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the sorting options - single or multiple sorting.
Accepts an ISortingOptions
object with any of the mode
const _sortingOptions: ISortingOptions = {
mode: 'single'
<igx-grid [sortingOptions]="sortingOptions"><igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the summary calculation mode.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" summaryCalculationMode="rootLevelOnly" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
By default it is rootAndChildLevels which means the summaries are calculated for the root level and each child level.
Gets/Sets the summary position.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" summaryPosition="top" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
By default it is bottom.
Get/Set IgxSummaryRow height
Sets/Gets the toolbar template for each child grid created from this row island.
Returns the total number of records.
Only functions when paging is enabled.
const totalRecords = this.grid.totalRecords;
Gets/Sets the trigger for validators used when editing the grid.
<igx-grid #grid validationTrigger='blur'></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the width of the grid.
let gridWidth = this.grid.width;
Enters add mode by spawning the UI under the specified row by rowID.
If null is passed as rowID, the row adding UI is spawned as the first record in the data view
this.grid.beginAddRowById('ALFKI', true);
The rowID to spawn the add row UI for, or null to spawn it as the first record in the data view
Whether the record should be added as a child. Only applicable to igxTreeGrid.
Enters add mode by spawning the UI at the specified index.
Accepted values for index are integers from 0 to this.grid.dataView.length
The index to spawn the UI at. Accepts integers from 0 to this.grid.dataView.length
Returns the first (starting at element) inclusive ancestor that matches selectors, and null otherwise.
Deselects all rows
By default if filtering is in place, selectAllRows() and deselectAllRows() select/deselect all filtered rows. If you set the parameter onlyFilterData to false that will deselect all rows in the grid exept deleted rows.
Deselect specified columns by field.
Enables summaries for the specified column and applies your customSummary.
If you do not provide the customSummary, then the default summary for the column data type will be applied.
grid.enableSummaries([{ fieldName: 'ProductName' }, { fieldName: 'ID' }]);
Enable summaries for the listed columns.
Finishes the row transactions on the current row and returns whether the grid editing was canceled.
If commit === true
, passes them from the pending state to the data (or transaction service)
<button type="button" igxButton (click)="grid.endEdit(true)">Commit Row</button>
Filters a single IgxColumnComponent
public filter(term) {
this.grid.filter("ProductName", term, IgxStringFilteringOperand.instance().condition("contains"));
Finds the next occurrence of a given string in the grid and scrolls to the cell if it isn't visible.
Returns how many times the grid contains the string.
the string to search.
optionally, if the search should be case sensitive (defaults to false).
optionally, if the text should match the entire value (defaults to false).
Finds the previous occurrence of a given string in the grid and scrolls to the cell if it isn't visible.
Returns how many times the grid contains the string.
the string to search.
optionally, if the search should be case sensitive (defaults to false).
optionally, if the text should match the entire value (defaults to false).
Returns the IgxColumnComponent
by field name.
const myCol = this.grid1.getColumnByName("ID");
Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes.
Gets the width
to be set on IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent
Returns ICellPosition
which defines the next cell,
according to the current position, that match specific criteria.
You can pass callback function as a third parameter of getPreviousCell
The callback function accepts IgxColumnComponent as a param
const nextEditableCellPosition = this.grid.getNextCell(0, 3, (column) => column.editable);
Returns ICellPosition
which defines the previous cell,
according to the current position, that match specific criteria.
You can pass callback function as a third parameter of getPreviousCell
The callback function accepts IgxColumnComponent as a param
const previousEditableCellPosition = this.grid.getPreviousCell(0, 3, (column) => column.editable);
Returns an array of the current columns selection in the form of [{ column.field: cell.value }, ...]
If formatters
is enabled, the cell value will be formatted by its respective column formatter (if any).
If headers
is enabled, it will use the column header (if any) instead of the column field.
Returns an array of the current cell selection in the form of [{ column.field: cell.value }, ...]
If formatters
is enabled, the cell value will be formatted by its respective column formatter (if any).
If headers
is enabled, it will use the column header (if any) instead of the column field.
Get the currently selected ranges in the grid.
Triggers change detection for the IgxGridComponent
Calling markForCheck also triggers the grid pipes explicitly, resulting in all updates being processed.
May degrade performance if used when not needed, or if misused:
// DON'Ts:
// don't call markForCheck from inside a loop
// don't call markForCheck when a primitive has changed => {
rec = newValue;
// DOs
// call markForCheck after updating a nested property => {
rec.nestedProp1.nestedProp2 = newValue;
Places a column before or after the specified target column.
grid.moveColumn(column, target);
Navigates to a position in the grid based on provided rowindex
and visibleColumnIndex
Also can execute a custom logic over the target element, through a callback function that accepts { targetType: GridKeydownTargetType, target: Object }
this.grid.navigateTo(10, 3, (args) => {; });
Opens the advanced filtering dialog.
Pin the row by its id.
ID is either the primaryKey value or the data record instance.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
The index at which to insert the row in the pinned collection.
Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.
Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors.
Displays element fullscreen and resolves promise when done.
When supplied, options's navigationUI member indicates whether showing navigation UI while in fullscreen is preferred or not. If set to "show", navigation simplicity is preferred over screen space, and if set to "hide", more screen space is preferred. User agents are always free to honor user preference over the application's. The default value "auto" indicates no application preference.
Selects all rows
By default if filtering is in place, selectAllRows() and deselectAllRows() select/deselect all filtered rows. If you set the parameter onlyFilterData to false that will select all rows in the grid exept deleted rows.
Select specified columns.
this.grid.selectColumns(['ID','Name'], true);
if true clears the current selection
Select range(s) of cells between certain rows and columns of the grid.
Get current selected columns.
Returns an array with selected columns
const selectedColumns = this.grid.selectedColumns();
Sort a single IgxColumnComponent
Sort the IgxGridComponent
's IgxColumnComponent
based on the provided array of sorting expressions.
this.grid.sort({ fieldName: name, dir: SortingDirection.Asc, ignoreCase: false });
If force is not given, "toggles" qualifiedName, removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present. If force is true, adds qualifiedName. If force is false, removes qualifiedName.
Returns true if qualifiedName is now present, and false otherwise.
Unpin the row by its id.
ID is either the primaryKey value or the data record instance.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
Updates the IgxGridRowComponent
and the corresponding data record by primary key.
Requires that the primaryKey
property is set.
this.gridWithPK.updateCell('Updated', 1, 'ProductName');
the new value which is to be set.
corresponds to rowID.
corresponds to column field.
Updates the IgxGridRowComponent
The row is specified by rowSelector parameter and the data source record with the passed value. This method will apply requested update only if primary key is specified in the grid.
ProductID: 1, ProductName: 'Spearmint', InStock: true, UnitsInStock: 1, OrderDate: new Date('2005-03-21')
}, 1);
correspond to rowID
Row island
Igx Module
Igx Parent
IgxHierarchicalGridComponent, IgxRowIslandComponent