Event raised when an image is being downloaded.
Gets or Sets the Default Token Timeout before the Token Expires, this value is in Minutes
The deferral handler to use for deferred refreshes.
Event raised when an image is being downloaded.
The IgxGeographicMapComponent which is hosting this GeographicMapImagery control.
Event raised when the image tiles have been downloaded.
Event raised when tile images have changed.
Gets or sets if horizontal wrapping is enabled for the imagery.
Gets or sets the IsMapPublic variable. A value of false requires authentication parameters.
Gets or sets the map tile server uri.
Gets or sets the Password.
Gets or sets the referer sent in the headers of the tile request.
Contains the User Supplied Referer Uri to be used in Token Generation.
Gets or Sets the current endpoint to retrieve the token.
Gets or sets the UserAgent sent in the headers of the tile request.
Gets or sets the UserName.
Gets or sets the UserToken.
A rectangle representing the portion of the map imagery currently in view. A rectangle at X=0, Y=0 with a Height and Width of 1 implies the entire plotting area is in view. A Height and Width of .5 would imply that the view is halfway zoomed in.
UI element class used to display ArcGIS Online Map imagery in the IgxGeographicMap.Component