Class IgcMaskInputComponent

A masked input is an input field where a developer can control user input and format the visible value, based on configurable rules


prefix - Renders content before the input

suffix - Renders content after the input

helper-text - Renders content below the input

igcInput - Emitted when the control receives user input

igcChange - Emitted when an alteration of the control's value is committed by the user

container - The main wrapper that holds all main input elements

input - The native input element

label - The native label element

prefix - The prefix wrapper

suffix - The suffix wrapper

helper-text - The helper text wrapper



  • IgcMaskInputBaseComponent
    • IgcMaskInputComponent


disabled: boolean

The disabled state of the component


invalid: boolean

Control the validity of the control.

label: string

The label for the control.

name: string

The name attribute of the control.

outlined: boolean = false

Whether the control will have outlined appearance.

placeholder: string

The placeholder attribute of the control.

prompt: string

The prompt symbol to use for unfilled parts of the mask.

readOnly: boolean = false

Makes the control a readonly field.


required: boolean

Makes the control a required field in a form context.

valueMode: "raw" | "withFormatting" = 'raw'

Dictates the behavior when retrieving the value of the control:

  • raw will return the clean user input.
  • withFormatting will return the value with all literals and prompts.



  • get validity(): ValidityState
  • Returns a ValidityState object which represents the different validity states the element can be in, with respect to constraint validation.

    Returns ValidityState

  • get value(): string
  • The value of the input.

    Regardless of the currently set value-mode, an empty value will return an empty string.

    Returns string

  • set value(string): void
  • The value attribute of the control.


    • string: string

    Returns void

  • get willValidate(): boolean
  • A boolean value which returns true if the element is a submittable element that is a candidate for constraint validation.

    Returns boolean


  • Sets focus on the control.


    • options: FocusOptions

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom validation message for the control. As long as message is not empty, the control is considered invalid.


    • message: string

    Returns void

  • Replaces the selected text in the control and re-applies the mask


    • replacement: string
    • start: number
    • end: number
    • selectMode: RangeTextSelectMode

    Returns void

  • Sets the text selection range of the control


    • start: number
    • end: number
    • direction: SelectionRangeDirection

    Returns void