10 Reasons Why Ignite UI for Angular Is Set To Dominate Enterprise Web App Development

Infragistics Team / Tuesday, November 14, 2017

We are excited about the recent release of Angular 5 and today's launch of Ignite UI for AngularHere are the top reasons why:

1. Easy-to-use Angular Components

We are engineering true Angular UI Components to help you write beautiful modern web applications faster. Our components are designed to have an easy to use API supporting Angular component conventions.

2. Speed & Performance 

Achieve the maximum speed possible on the Web Platform today, and take it further with Webpack and AOT compilation. Ignite UI for Angular is designed mobile-first, to be fully responsive, and require a smaller memory space. Unlock the ability to create customer-facing websites or line-of-business applications with huge data handling requirements.

3. 30+ True Angular Components and Growing

30+ components including List, NavDrawer, Carousel, Calendar, Datepicker, Dialog, Progress Indicators, Buttons, Switches and more. Our easy-to-use Angular Data Grid enables you to quickly plug your Angular models. The Data Grid also includes popular features like filtering, sorting, paging, hiding, templates, movable columns, and more! 

4. Material Based

All Ignite UI for Angular components and directives are designed strictly following the material guidelines and goes together with an extensive style guide.

5. Flexible Installation & Update Options

Ignite UI for Angular is readily available on npmjs and you can easily install and update it together with all other dependencies of your project. It’s easy and automatic to get the latest bits as soon as we release them - with no time-consuming installations.

6. Dedicated Sketch UI Kit

Quickly put together a pixel-perfect design that a developer will code in no time with our free Sketch library of symbols that match the output from Ignite UI for Angular components.

7. Dual Licensing

Developers building Angular applications with Ignite v for Angular for a non-profit cause or simply building a prototype can use the framework free under the Apache 2.0 license. Commercial customers are required to purchase a license to distribute their applications.

8. Extensive Documentation & Support

Step-by-step how-to guides, tutorials, and sample code to help you write fast, and run fast modern web applications. With 24x5 phone, chat, forums, a full UI & UX services team, and account managers in offices around the globe, Infragistics is ready to help drive the success of your next project.

9.  Our 2018 Roadmap

Through continuous delivery in 2018 we will focus on delivering new features and capabilities to our Angular data grids and Angular charts. As we focus on helping design teams and developers deliver software faster with beautiful UX, we will continue to deliver features like enhanced Ignite UI CLI features, integration with the Angular CLI, additional Sketch UI kits and app templates for the designer-developer workflow, and visual configurators for charts and grids for any code editor, including Visual Studio Code.

10. Our free Angular Essentials eBook

Learn best practices for building great Angular applications. Includes practical, step-by-step guidance and code examples. infragistics.com/angular-essentials-ebook 

Click here for directions on how to install Ignite UI for Angular, then sign up for a free 30-day trial that includes set-up along with enterprise-ready support. Call one of our five worldwide offices to set up a product demo. We’re excited to hear what you think.