
Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls Namespace

ClassCallbackParentNode This class is used as a container for Nodes being bound during an AjaxCallback
ClassDataMenuAutoPostBackFlags Represents auto postback options applied to client side events.
ClassDataMenuBindingManager Class used internally by the WebDataMenu to manage the databinding operation of the control
ClassDataMenuClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebDataMenu class
ClassDataMenuGroupSettings Settings that can be applied over the whole Menu or a sub-menu group
ClassDataMenuItem DataMenuItem Type. Represents item that will be part of Menu. An Item can have Items collection, as well as DataMenuGroupSettings, which combine group of common settings for its submenu.
ClassDataMenuItemBinding This class controls the databinding process of populating the properties of each bound item to the data fields in the datasource.
ClassDataMenuItemCollection The collection of items managed by the DataTree and any of the items within the hierarchy. Collections of this type are located within the items property of the WebDataTree and DataMenuItem objects.
ClassDataMenuItemEventArgs Provides data for the WebImageViewer.SelectedIndexChanged, WebImageViewer.ItemAdded, WebImageViewer.ItemRemoved and WebImageViewer.ItemInserted events of a WebImageViewer control.
ClassDataMenuRenderer Renderer for Menu
ClassDataTreeBindingManager Class used internally by the DataTree to manage the databinding operation of the control
ClassDataTreeBot DataTreeBot
ClassDataTreeCheckBoxSelectionEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.CheckBoxSelectionChanged, event of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDataTreeClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebDataTree class
ClassDataTreeClientRenderer Renderer for WebDataTree which supports client-side templating and binding
ClassDataTreeNode This class represents a data tree node.
ClassDataTreeNodeBinding This class controls the databinding process of populating the properties of each bound node to the data fields in the datasource.
ClassDataTreeNodeClickEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.NodeClick and WebDataTree.ValueChanged events of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDataTreeNodeCollection The collection of Nodes managed by the DataTree and any of the nodes within the hierarchy. Collections of this type are located within the Nodes property of the WebDataTree and DataTreeNode objects.
ClassDataTreeNodeDroppedEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.NodeDropped event of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDataTreeNodeEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.NodeClick and WebDataTree.ValueChanged events of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDataTreeNodeRangeEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.NodeAdded event of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDataTreeNodeSettings Settings for all nodes in the WebDataTree
ClassDataTreeRenderer Renderer for DataTree
ClassDataTreeSelectionEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataTree.SelectionChanged, event of a WebDataTree control.
ClassDragDropSettings Class that exposes properties to fine tune the WebDataTree drag drop behaviour.
ClassDropIndicator Class that exposes properties to fine tune the drop indicator.
ClassExplorerBarBot ExplorerBar run bot.
ClassExplorerBarClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebExplorerBar class
ClassExplorerBarCollapseButton Represent the explorer bar collaspe button. It will be used to collapse a group item.
ClassExplorerBarDataBindingCollection Represents DataBindingCollection customized for WebExplorerBar
ClassExplorerBarExpandButton Represent the explorer bar expand button. It will be used to expand a group item.
ClassExplorerBarGroup represents a top level item in the control - that is, a Group
ClassExplorerBarGroupCollection Represents the collection of ExplorerBarGroups
ClassExplorerBarGroupEventArgs EventArgs class for Server Events related to ExplorerBarGroup objects
ClassExplorerBarItem represents a non-root level item in the control hierarchy
ClassExplorerBarItemBase Base class for Groups and Items
ClassExplorerBarItemBaseCollection Base class for the ExplorerBarCollections
ClassExplorerBarItemBaseEventArgs Base class for WebExplorer Event Arguments
ClassExplorerBarItemBinding Defines the data bindings for ExplorerBarGroup and ExplorerBarItem
ClassExplorerBarItemClickEventArgs EventArgs class for ItemClick server event related to ExplorerBarGroup or ExplorerBarItem objects
ClassExplorerBarItemCollection Represents collection of ExplorerBarItems
ClassExplorerBarItemEventArgs EventArgs class for Server Events related to ExplorerBarItem objects
ClassExplorerBarItemSelectedEventArgs EventArgs class for ItemSelected server event related to ExplorerBarGroup or ExplorerBarItem objects
ClassNavBot This class forms the base class for Bots which implement the Navigation framework
ClassNavControl Navigation Control Base
ClassNavItem The base class for all navigation control items
ClassNavItemBinding This class is used to map DataSource Fields to Item or Node properties. The public part of the class exposes properties that take a string value that identifies fields or columns within the DataSource to which they are being bound. As the DataSource is traversed during DataBinding, each object in the DataSource is examined and those fields that are matched to properties on the Item or Node are populated as Items and Nodes are created.
ClassNavItemCollection Collection of NavItems. This class forms a base class for controls utilizing the NavigationControls framework
ClassWebDataMenu The WebDataMenu control represents hierarchical data as a menu where items are displayed within their hierarchical context.
ClassWebDataTree The WebDataTree control represents hierarchical data as a tree where nodes are displayed within their hierarchical context.
ClassWebExplorerBar WebExplorerBar control. A Web Control that imitates Windows Explorer side bar navigation mode
DelegateDataMenuItemEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use an ImageItem.
DelegateDataTreeCheckBoxSelectionEventHandler Event Delegate for check box selection events.
DelegateDataTreeCommandEventHandler Event handler for ItemCommand Event bubbling
DelegateDataTreeNodeAddedEventHandler Event handler for node added event.
DelegateDataTreeNodeClickEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a DataTreeNode.
DelegateDataTreeNodeDroppedEventHandler Event handler for Drag and Drop events
DelegateDataTreeNodeEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a DataTreeNode.
DelegateDataTreeNodeRemovedEventHandler Event handler for NodeRemoved event
DelegateDataTreeSelectionEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a selection of DataTreeNode.
DelegateExplorerBarGroupEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a ExplorerBarGroup.
DelegateExplorerBarItemClickEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a ExplorerBarItem or ExplorerBarGroup.
DelegateExplorerBarItemEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a ExplorerBarItem.
DelegateExplorerBarItemSelectedEventHandler Event Delegate for Events that use a ExplorerBarItem or ExplorerBarGroup.
DelegateWebDataMenuCommandEventHandler Event handler for ItemCommand Event bubbling
EnumerationAnimationEquationTypes Descibes how an animation value should be calculated from start to finish.
EnumerationAnimationType Enumeration that holds currently implemented Animations
EnumerationDataMenuGroupSettingsProps Enumeration for DataMenuGroupSettings
EnumerationDataMenuItemProps Enumaration that holds the DataMenuItem Properties
EnumerationDataMenuItemSettingsProps DataMenuItemSettings enumaration
EnumerationDataMenuRoles Roles defined for the ig_datamenu.css file.
EnumerationDataTreeNodeEditableProps Determines if a DataTreeNode is editable
EnumerationDataTreeNodeEditingProps Enumeration for the properties for the DataTreeNodeEditingProps
EnumerationDataTreeNodeProps Enumeration for the properties for the DataTreeNode
EnumerationDataTreeNodeSettingsProps Enumeration for the properties for the DataTreeNodeSettings
EnumerationDragDropMode Describes various modes that can be used to configure WebDataTree drag and drop behavior.
EnumerationExpandDirection Specifies the expand direction for submenus
EnumerationExplorerBarItemType Defines the types of items a WebExplorerBar can have
EnumerationExplorerBarRoles Roles defined for the ig_explorerbar.css file.
EnumerationGroupExpandAction Defines the action the user has to do in order to expand/collapse a group.
EnumerationGroupExpandBehavior Defines the group expand/collapse behavior.
EnumerationNodeMultipleSelectionType Multiple selection type
EnumerationNodeSelectionTypes The modes of selection for a WebDataTree
EnumerationScrollingSpeed Specifies the scrolling speed values.
EnumerationWebDataMenuProps An enumeration of all the properties that the WebDataMenu will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the NavControl and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationWebDataTreeProps An enumeration of all the properties that the WebDataTree will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the WebDataTree and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationWebDataTreeRoles Roles defined for the ig_tree.css file.
See Also