Log in to like this post! Ballmer gave you Surface RT and a Lumia 920 at //build/ and now you want to build apps... Brent Schooley / Tuesday, October 30, 2012 First off let me just say that I'm very jealous of those of you that got a Surface RT 32GB with Touch Cover and Nokia Lumia 920 at //build/ (especially the Lumia!) Now that you have these awesome devices, you're really going to want to start building some great applications for them. Infragistics has you covered and I'd like to share some resources with you to help get you started. Building Windows Store applications for your Surface The very best resource I can point you towards other than the official Microsoft guidance at dev.windows.com and design.windows.com is the reference application I built for Windows 8, Running Total. Not only will this application help get you started with Windows 8 development but it is also the only way to download Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows UI beta. In Running Total, you'll see how to design a great Windows 8 experience and how to develop an engaging experience that leverages the data visualization capabilities of NetAdvantage for Windows UI. Also, look out for my tutorial series for Windows 8 which will be coming soon. If you're designing an app, please read my Microsoft design style series and the 10 things you should know about designing for Windows 8 article I wrote recently to help get you started designing a great app! Building Windows Phone 8 applications for your Lumia 920 Infragistics also has great controls for Windows Phone in the NetAdvantage for Windows Phone package. These controls will help jumpstart your Windows Phone development projects with amazing data visualization and the easiest and most customizable list control on the market. You can create amazing things using our controls including our sparkline control. For more information about building Windows Phone 8 apps with NetAdvantage for Windows Phone, read this excellent article by my colleague Nick Landry. I'm here to help! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me at bschooley@infragistics.com or find me on Twitter @brentschooley. These are exciting times for developers on these platforms and I want to help support you.