Log in to like this post! Developer News - What's IN with the Infragistics Community? (6/8-6/14) Dara Monasch / Monday, June 15, 2015 This week's theme seems to be Front End and Design... but we've got some Bootstrap, Prism and Xamarin in here for you too, so take a look and see what was popular this week in the Infragistics Community! 5. 2 Basic Rules for Visual Designers (NIFTIT) 4. Automating Front-End Development with Grunt.js (NIFTIT) 3. What is Bootstrap? A Short Tutorial on the What, Why & How (Toptal) 2. 7 Ways to be a Better Software Engineer (DevBattles) 1. What's New is Prism for Xamarin.Forms 5.7.0 Pre-Release (Brian Lagunas)