
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule Namespace

ClassActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs Contains information about the ActiveOwnerChanged event.
ClassActiveOwnerChangingEventArgs Contains information about the ActiveOwnerChanging event.
ClassActivitiesDataBindingBase Base class for the NotesDataBinding and AppointmentsDataBinding classes.
ClassActivitiesDragCompleteEventArgs Event arguments class that contains information about the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.ActivitiesDragComplete event.
ClassActivityBase Base class for the Appointment, Holiday, and Note classes.
ClassActivityScrollButtonClickedEventArgs Contains information about the ActivityScrollButtonClicked event.
ClassActivityScrollButtonToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed.
ClassAfterActiveDayChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.AfterActiveDayChanged event
ClassAfterActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs Event args used when the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner has changed
ClassAfterAppointmentEditEventArgs Event parameters used by the AfterAppointmentEdit event
ClassAfterAppointmentsMovedEventArgs Event args after moving 1 or more appointments.
ClassAfterCalendarComboPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraCalendarCombo.AfterPerformAction event.
ClassAfterDayViewPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraDayView.AfterPerformAction event.
ClassAfterDayViewScrollEventArgs Event parameters used by the AfterScroll event
ClassAfterDisplayMonthPopupEventArgs Event args for the AfterMonthPopupDisplayed event.
ClassAfterMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewMulti.AfterPerformAction event.
ClassAfterMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewSingle.AfterPerformAction event.
ClassAfterNoteEditEventArgs Event parameters used by the AfterNoteEdit event
ClassAfterRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventArgs Event arguments that are passed to the UltraCalendarInfo.AfterRecurringAppointmentDeleted event.
ClassAfterScrollEventArgs Event parameters used by the AfterScroll event
ClassAfterSpinEventArgs Event args for the after spin event.
ClassAfterWeekViewPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraWeekView.AfterPerformAction event.
ClassAppointment Represents an appointment for a specific date and time.
ClassAppointment.AppointmentAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassAppointment.AppointmentTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Appointment.
ClassAppointmentAction Represents an action to take when the current system time reaches the start of the associated Appointment.
ClassAppointmentAction.AppointmentActionTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule AppointmentAction.
ClassAppointmentDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataError event.
ClassAppointmentDataInitializedEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataInitialized event.
ClassAppointmentDialog Dialog frmAppointment. Used to schedule appointments.
ClassAppointmentEditModeEnteredEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentEditModeEntered event.
ClassAppointmentEditModeExitedEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentEditModeExited event.
ClassAppointmentEnteringEditModeEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentEnteringEditMode event.
ClassAppointmentEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsCollection and SelectedAppointmentsCollection.
ClassAppointmentEventArgs Event parameters used for the events which pass a single Appointment.
ClassAppointmentExitingEditModeEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentExitingEditMode event.
ClassAppointmentLocationTextUIElement Represents the value of the Appointment.Location property.
ClassAppointmentRecurrence Contains information that describes the associated Appointment object's recurrence pattern and range.
ClassAppointmentResizedEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentResized event.
ClassAppointmentResizingEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentResizing event.
ClassAppointmentsCollection A collection of Appointment objects.
ClassAppointmentsDataBinding Scheduler data bindings for appointments.
ClassAppointmentsDragCompleteEventArgs Event arguments class that contains information about the UltraDayView.AppointmentsDragComplete event.
ClassAppointmentsDragDropEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentsDragging event.
ClassAppointmentsDraggingEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentsDragging event.
ClassAppointmentsSubsetCollection A collection of Appointment objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day.
ClassAppointmentSubsetEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsSubsetCollection.
ClassAppointmentTimeTextUIElement Represents the value of the Appointment.Location property.
ClassAppointmentToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Contains information about the AppointmentToolTipDisplaying event.
ClassBeforeActiveDayChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeActiveDayChanged event.
ClassBeforeActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs Cancelable event args used when the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner is about to change
ClassBeforeActivitiesDeletedEventArgs Event parameters used by the BeforeActivitiesDeleted event
ClassBeforeAppointmentEditEventArgs Event parameters used by the BeforeAppointmentEdit event
ClassBeforeAppointmentResizedEventArgs Cancelable event args when resizing an appointment.
ClassBeforeAppointmentsDeletedEventArgs Cancelable event args when deleting appointments.
ClassBeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayedEventArgs Cancelable event args used when firing the BeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayed event.
ClassBeforeCalendarComboPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraCalendarCombo.BeforePerformAction event.
ClassBeforeDayViewPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraDayView.BeforePerformAction event.
ClassBeforeDayViewScrollEventArgs Event parameters used by the BeforeScroll event
ClassBeforeDisplayMonthPopupEventArgs Cancelable event args when displaying a month popup.
ClassBeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayedEventArgs Contains information about the BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayed event.
ClassBeforeMonthScrollEventArgs Cancelable event args for use before the month view multi control is scrolled.
ClassBeforeMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewMulti.BeforePerformAction event.
ClassBeforeMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewSingle.BeforePerformAction event.
ClassBeforeNoteEditEventArgs Event parameters used by the BeforeNoteEdit event
ClassBeforeRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventArgs Contains information about the recurring Appointment that is being deleted.
ClassBeforeScrollEventArgs Event parameters used by the BeforeScroll event
ClassBeforeSelectedAppointmentsEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange event.
ClassBeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange event.
ClassBeforeSelectedHolidaysEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedHolidaysChange event.
ClassBeforeSelectedNotesEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedNotesChange event.
ClassBeforeSpinEventArgs Cancelable event args for the BeforeSpin event.
ClassBeforeTimeSlotSelectionChangedEventArgs Cancelable event args used when firing the BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged event.
ClassBeforeWeekViewPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for the UltraWeekView.BeforePerformAction event.
ClassCalendarComboEventManager UltraCalendarComboEventManager.
ClassCalendarDateSettings Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a specific date.
ClassCalendarDateSettingsCollection Provides a repository for CalendarDateSettings instances.
ClassCalendarInfoChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.CalendarInfoChanged event.
ClassCalendarInfoEventManager Class for managing the events of an UltraCalendarInfo object. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count.
ClassCalendarInfoStreamer CalendarInfoStreamer provides serialization support for CalendarInfo data that is not exposed via properties and thus not automatically serialized.
ClassCalendarInfoStreamerAllProps CalendarInfoStreamerAllProps provides serialization support for all CalendarInfo data. This class is used by the CalendarInfo Load and Save methods - it is not used for normal persistence.
ClassCalendarLookChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the CalendarLookChanged event
ClassCalendarLookEventManager Class for managing a CalendarLook's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassCalendarLookStreamer CalendarLookStreamer provides serialization support for CalendarLook data that is not exposed via properties and thus not automatically serialized.
ClassCalendarLookStreamerAllProps CalendarInfoStreamerAllProps provides serialization support for all CalendarInfo data. This class is used by the CalendarInfo Load and Save methods - it is not used for normal persistence.
ClassCancelableAppointmentDragEventArgs Base class which exposes properties relevant to the following events:
ClassCancelableAppointmentEventArgs Event parameters used for a cancelable event which pass a single Appointment.
ClassCancelableAppointmentsEventArgs Cancelable event args for events that supply an array of appointments.
ClassCancelableHolidayEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events involving a single Holiday.
ClassCancelableNoteEventArgs Event parameters for cancelable events which need to pass a single Note.
ClassCancelableTaskEventArgs Event arguments class for cancelable events that are related to a Task.
ClassCancelableUIElementEventArgs Cancelable event args for use with UIElements.
ClassClickToAddAppointmentUIElement Represents the "Click to Add Appointment" indicator.
ClassColumnHeaderInitializingEventArgs Contains information about the ColumnHeaderInitializing event.
ClassColumnHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed.
ClassControlWithActivityBase UltraScheduleControlBase-derived class from which the schedule controls that display appointments, holidays, or notes derive.
ClassDataBindingsBase Base class for scheduler data binding classes.
ClassDataErrorEventArgsBase Base class for the AppointmentDataErrorEventArgs and OwnerDataErrorEventArgs classes.
ClassDateContinuationUIElement Represents the 'From {StartDate}' and 'To {EndDate}' arrow elements which are displayed when the date on which an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayView.AllDayEventUIElement or Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewSingle.MultiDayAppointmentUIElement begins or ends is not visible in the user interface.
ClassDateInterval Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassDateNavigationButtonClickedEventArgs Contains information about the DateNavigationButtonClicked event.
ClassDateRange DateRange object.
ClassDateRangeEnumerator Enumerator class for the SelectedDateRanges collection
ClassDateRecurrence Exposes properties that define a recurring date pattern.
ClassDateTimeInterval Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassDateTimeIntervalLabelToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed.
ClassDateTimeIntervalsCollection Repository for objects of type DateTimeInterval, in which the date/time intervals that are to be displayed above the PrimaryInterval are stored.
ClassDateTimeIntervalsCollectionBase Read-only repository for objects of type DateTimeInterval.
ClassDateTimeRange Immutable class which represents a range of time that can span across multiple days in the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassDateValidationErrorEventArgs Event Args for the ValidationError event of the UltraCalendarCombo
ClassDay Day object.
ClassDayEnumerator Enumerator class for the DaysCollection
ClassDayLook DayLook object.
ClassDayLook.DayLookTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule DayLook.
ClassDayLookEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDayOfMonth DayOfMonth object.
ClassDayOfMonth.DayOfMonthTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfMonth.
ClassDayOfMonthEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDayOfWeek DayOfWeek object.
ClassDayOfWeek.DayOfWeekTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfWeek.
ClassDayOfWeekEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDayOfWeekHeaderClickedEventArgs Event parameters used by the DayOfWeekHeaderClicked event (UltraMonthViewSingle)
ClassDayOfWeekLook DayOfWeekLook object.
ClassDayOfWeekLook.DayOfWeekLookTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule DayOfWeekLook.
ClassDayofWeekLookEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDayOfWeekSettings Object which exposes properties for settings that apply to a particular day of the week for a particular Owner.
ClassDayOfWeekSettings.DayOfWeekSettingsTypeConverter Type converter class for DayOfWeekSettings instances.
ClassDayOfWeekSettingsCollection Collection class which contains instances of DayOfWeekSettings objects.
ClassDayOfWeekSettingsEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDayOfWeekTextUIElement Represents the day of week portion of the header text for a DayHeaderUIElement when the ViewStyle is set to 'Office2007'
ClassDayOfYear DayOfYear Object.
ClassDayOfYear.DayOfYearTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfYear.
ClassDayOfYearEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassDaysCollection A collection of Day objects.
ClassDaySelectableItemProxy Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Day object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection.
ClassDaysOfMonthCollection A collection of DaysOfMonth objects.
ClassDaysOfMonthLookCollection A collection of DayLook objects.
ClassDaysOfWeekCollection A collection of DaysOfWeek objects.
ClassDaysOfWeekLookCollection A collection of DaysOfWeekLook objects.
ClassDaysOfYearCollection A collection of DayOfYear objects.
ClassDaysOfYearLookCollection A collection of DayLook objects.
ClassDayToolTipEventArgs Cancelable EventArgs for the BeforeDisplayToolTip event.
ClassDayViewEventManager UltraDayViewEventManager class.
ClassDisplayAppointmentDialogEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event.
ClassDisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialogEventArgs Event arguments that are passed to the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialog event.
ClassHoliday Holiday object.
ClassHoliday.HolidayAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassHoliday.HolidayTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Holiday.
ClassHolidayEnumerator Enumerator for the HolidaysCollection
ClassHolidayEventArgs Event parameters for events which need to pass a single Holiday.
ClassHolidaysCollection A collection of Holiday objects.
ClassHolidaysSubsetCollection A collection of Holiday objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day.
ClassHolidaySubsetEnumerator Enumerator for the HolidaysSubsetCollection
ClassHolidayToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Contains information about the HolidayToolTipDisplaying event.
ClassHotTrackableUIElementBase UIElement-derived class for elements that exhibit hot-tracking effects.
ClassInitializeDayEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeDay event
ClassInitializeMonthEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeMonth event.
ClassInitializeWeekEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeWeek event.
ClassInitializeYearEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeYear event.
ClassInViewColumn A logical column that is currently in view on an UltraDayView control.
ClassInViewColumnsCollection The collection of logical columns that are currently in view on an UltraDayView control.
ClassInViewColumnsCollection.InViewColumnEnumerator Enumerator class for the InViewColumnsCollection.
ClassLogicalDayDurationTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayDurationproperty.
ClassLogicalDayDurationTypeEditor UITypeEditor-derived class which allows modification of the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayDuration property.
ClassLogicalDayOffsetTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayOffsetproperty.
ClassLogicalDayOffsetTypeEditor UITypeEditor-derived class which allows modification of the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayOffset property.
ClassMonth Month object.
ClassMonthLook MonthLook object.
ClassMonthLook.MonthLookTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule MonthLook.
ClassMonthLookEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassMonthOfYear MonthOfYear object.
ClassMonthOfYear.MonthOfYearTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule MonthOfYear.
ClassMonthOfYearEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassMonthSelectableItemProxy Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Month object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection.
ClassMonthsOfYearCollection A collection of MonthsOfYear objects.
ClassMonthsOfYearLookCollection Collection of MonthLook objects.
ClassMonthViewMultiEventManager UltraMonthViewMultiEventManager.
ClassMoreActivityIndicatorClickedEventArgs Event parameters used by the MoreActivityIndicatorClicked event
ClassNote Note object.
ClassNote.NoteAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassNote.NoteTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Note.
ClassNoteDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataError event.
ClassNoteDataInitializedEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataInitialized event.
ClassNoteEnumerator Enumerator class for the NotesCollection.
ClassNoteEventArgs Event parameters for events which need to pass a single Note.
ClassNotesCollection A collection of Notes objects.
ClassNotesDataBinding Class that handles data binding for the UltraCalendarInfo component's UltraCalendarInfo.Notes collection.
ClassNotesSubsetCollection A collection of Note objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day.
ClassNotesSubsetEnumerator Enumerator for the AppointmentsSubsetCollection
ClassOutlook2007ColorScheme Class which exposes color properties which are used by the visual elements of the UltraDayView, UltraWeekView, UltraMonthViewSingle, and UltraMonthViewMulti controls when the 'Office2007' UltraCalendarLook.ViewStyle is in effect.
ClassOutlook2007ColorSchemeCollection Collection class for the Outlook2007ColorScheme instances which provide the Office2007 look for UltraScheduleControlBase controls.
ClassOwner An Owner of Appointments and Notes.
ClassOwnerDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataError event.
ClassOwnerDataInitializedEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataInitialized event.
ClassOwnerDateSettings Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a specific date as displayed for a specific Owner.
ClassOwnerDateSettingsCollection Provides a repository for OwnerDateSettings instances.
ClassOwnerHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed.
ClassOwnerRecurringDateSettings Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a recurring pattern of dates as displayed for a specific Owner.
ClassOwnerRecurringDateSettingsCollection Provides a repository for OwnerRecurringDateSettings instances.
ClassOwnersCollection The collection of Owners.
ClassOwnersCollection.OwnerEnumerator Enumerator class for the OwnersCollection.
ClassOwnersDataBinding Scheduler data bindings for owners.
ClassOwnerTimeSlotSettings Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for an Owner.
ClassPrimaryIntervalChangedEventArgs Contains information about the PrimaryIntervalChanged event.
ClassProject Encapsulates a WinSchedule project.
ClassProjectDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ProjectDataError event.
ClassProjectDataInitializedEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ProjectDataInitialized event.
ClassProjectsCollection Collection class for the Project object.
ClassProjectsDataBinding Handles complex data binding functionality for the Projects collection.
ClassReadOnlyAppointmentsCollection Read-only collection class for appointments.
ClassReadOnlyTasksCollection Repository for Task objects which cannot be modified by external callers.
ClassRecurrenceDialog Dialog used to modify the properties of a DateRecurrence object.
ClassRecurrenceEditTypeDialog Simple dialog used to prompt end users for whether they want to open/delete one member of a recurrence or the entire series.
ClassReminder Reminder object.
ClassReminder.ReminderTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Reminder.
ClassReminderDialog Dialog frmReminder. Used to display reminders.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassResourcesCollection Collection class for the Owner objects which are available to assist toward the completion of a Task.
ClassRootTasksCollection Collection class for the Task object.
ClassSelectableTimeSlot SelectableTimeSlot class that supports ISelectableItem and represents timeslots that have been selected.
ClassSelectedActivitiesCollectionBase Base class for the SelectedAppointmentsCollection, SelectedHolidaysCollection, and SelectedNotesCollection classes.
ClassSelectedAppointmentsCollection A collection of SelectedAppointments objects.
ClassSelectedAppointmentsDeletedEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedAppointmentsDeleted event.
ClassSelectedAppointmentsDeletingEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedAppointmentsDeleting event.
ClassSelectedDateRanges SelectedDateRanges Collection
ClassSelectedDateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanged event.
ClassSelectedDateTimeRangeChangingEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanging event.
ClassSelectedHolidaysCollection A collection of Holidays that have been selected.
ClassSelectedNotesCollection A collection of SelectedNotes objects.
ClassSelectedTimeSlotRange Represents a range of selected time slots.
ClassSelectionStrategyExtended Strategy used for multiple selection of items.
ClassSelectionStrategyExtendedAutoDrag Strategy used when multiple items can be selected but pressing the left button and dragging does not select other items but instead starts dragging the selected item immediately.
ClassSortedTaskField Defines the Task property on which the sorting is based.
ClassSortedTaskFieldsCollection Provides sorting support for the Tasks collection.
ClassSubObjectArrayEditorNone UIEditor for the SubObjectArray collections.
ClassSubObjectsArrayBase Base array class for objects which derive from SubObjectBase.
ClassSubObjectsArrayBase.SerializableSubObjectArrayBaseEnumerator Class for enumerating over the serializable objects in the collection.
ClassSummaryTaskException Thrown when a summary Task is modified illegally.
ClassSymbolCharactersUIElement The SymbolCharactersUIElement handles the rendering of symbol characters.
ClassTask Encapsulates a task for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassTaskColumn Encapsulates a Column of the UltraGanttView Grid
ClassTaskColumn.TaskColumnTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule TaskColumn.
ClassTaskColumnsCollection Collection class for the Task object.
ClassTaskConstraintViolationEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskConstraintViolation event.
ClassTaskDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.TaskDataError event.
ClassTaskDataInitializedEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.TaskDataInitialized event.
ClassTaskDependenciesCollection Collection class for the TaskDependency object.
ClassTaskDependency Defines a link between two tasks, whereby the progress of one task is dependent on the progress of another.
ClassTaskDependencyException Thrown when the contents of a task's Dependencies collection is modified illegally.
ClassTaskEventArgs Event arguments class for events that are related to a Task.
ClassTaskException Thrown when a property of the Task object is modified illegally.
ClassTaskPromptUserEventArgsBase Base event arguments class for events which provide a way to prompt the user.
ClassTaskResourceParseException Thrown when an string could not be parsed into an Owner object by a task's Resources collection.
ClassTasksCollection Collection class for the Task object.
ClassTasksDataBinding Handles complex data binding functionality for the Tasks collection.
ClassTaskSettings Class which defines how users may modify tasks.
ClassTaskWorkingHourViolationEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskConstraintViolation event.
ClassTimeInterval Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassTimelineViewEventManager Handles event firing for the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassTimeRange Represents a range of time that is specific to a particular date.
ClassTimeRangeAppearance Associates an Appearance object with a TimeRange for the purpose of defining a custom appearance for one or more TimeSlot objects as displayed for a given Owner.
ClassTimeRangeAppearancesCollection Provides a repository for TimeRange instances.
ClassTimeRangesCollection Provides a repository for TimeRange instances.
ClassTimeSlot An object that represents a time slot in the UltraDayView control.
ClassTimeSlotEnumerator Type-safe enumerator for the TimeSlots collection.
ClassTimeSlotsCollection A collection of TimeSlot objects.
ClassTimeSlotSettings Enables customization of workdays and working hours.
ClassTimeSlotSettingsCollectionBase Provides a repository for TimeSlotSettings-derived instances.
ClassTimeSpanUITypeEditorControl UserControl-derived class used to edit TimeSpan values.
ClassTimeTypeConverter TimeTypeConverter object
ClassTimeUIEditorDropdown UIEditor for Times. Displays a dropdown of times in 30 minute increments.
ClassTimeUIEditorNone UIEditor for times. This editor will have just an edit window and validate the time entered based on the system settings.
ClassTimeZoneInfoTypeEditor Class to show dropdown from which to select time zones. The returned value is the TimeZoneInfo that was selected.
ClassTimeZoneStandardNameTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UtcOffset of time zones.
ClassTimeZoneUtcOffsetTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UtcOffset of time zones.
ClassTimeZoneUtcOffsetTypeEditor class to show dropdown from which to select time zones. The returned value is a TimeSpan that contains the UTC offset for the time zone that was selected.
ClassToolTipEventArgs Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed.
ClassUltraCalendarCombo Infragistics UltraCalendarCombo
ClassUltraCalendarComboRole Role class for the UltraCalendarCombo control.
ClassUltraCalendarInfo Manages and exposes all date-related data to UltraSchedule controls.
ClassUltraCalendarInfo.UltraCalendarInfoApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store
ClassUltraCalendarLook Manages the Appearance information for UltraSchedule controls.
ClassUltraCalendarLook.UltraCalendarLookApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store
ClassUltraDayView Infragistics UltraWinSchedule UltraDayView control.
ClassUltraDayViewKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraDayView.
ClassUltraDayViewKeyActionMappings UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings.
ClassUltraDayViewKeyActionMappings.UltraDayViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator UltraDayViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator
ClassUltraDayViewRole Role class for the UltraDayView control.
ClassUltraMonthViewMulti Infragistics UltraMonthViewMulti
ClassUltraMonthViewMultiBase Abstract base class for multi-month controls.
ClassUltraMonthViewMultiBaseRole Abstract ComponentRole-derived class for the UltraMonthViewMultiBase-derived controls.
ClassUltraMonthViewMultiRole Role class for the UltraMonthViewMulti control.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingle Infragistics UltraMonthViewSingle.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingle.MonthViewSingleActivitiesAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleBase Infragistics UltraMonthViewSingleBase abstract base class.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleBase.DayAccessibleObjectBase The Accessible object for a day.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleBase.MonthViewSingleBaseActivitiesAccessibleObjectBase The Accessible object for a group.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleBase.OwnerAccessibleObjectBase The Accessible object for a owner.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleEventManager Class for managing a UltraMonthViewSingle control's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleRole Role class for the UltraMonthViewSingle control.
ClassUltraMonthViewSingleUIElement The main element for an UltraDayView (occupies the entire client area)
ClassUltraScheduleArrayConverter Generic Collection TypeConverter
ClassUltraScheduleArrayPropertyDescriptor Provides a description of the DayOfWeek object.
ClassUltraScheduleControlBase UltraScheduleControlBase.
ClassUltraScheduleControlRoleBase Abstract ComponentRole class for the UltraScheduleControlBase-derived controls.
ClassUltraScheduleInfoArray UltraScheduleInfoArray.
ClassUltraScheduleLookArray UltraScheduleLookArray.
ClassUltraSchedulePrintDocument Component for rendering the calendar information of an UltraCalendarInfo to the printer.
ClassUltraTimelineView Infragistics schedule control which presents appointments along a horizontal time line, optionally grouped by their respective owners.
ClassUltraTimelineViewKeyActionMapping Encapsulates a keyboard action for the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassUltraTimelineViewKeyActionMappings Defines default keboard behavior for the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassUltraTimelineViewRole Role class for the UltraTimelineView control.
ClassUltraWeekView Infragistics UltraWeekView.
ClassUltraWeekView.WeekViewActivitiesAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassUltraWeekViewRole Role class for the UltraWeekView control.
ClassUltraWeekViewUIElement The main element for an UltraWeekView (occupies the entire client area)
ClassUltraWinScheduleAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassUnassignedProject Represents the UnassignedProject.
ClassValidateAppointmentEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointment event.
ClassValidateAppointmentRecurrenceEventArgs Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointmentRecurrence event.
ClassVariancesCollection A collection of Appointment objects that represent individual occurrences of a recurring Appointment that have been modified from the original recurrence.
ClassVariancesEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the VariancesCollection.
ClassVisibleDateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs Contains information about the VisibleDateTimeRangeChanged event.
ClassVisibleDay An object that represents a visible day in the UltraDayView control.
ClassVisibleDayEnumerator Enumerator for the VisibleDays
ClassVisibleDayEventArgs Event parameters used by the UltraDayView.InitializeVisibleDay event.
ClassVisibleDaysCollection A collection of VisibleDay objects.
ClassVisibleOwnersCollection The collection of Owners whose Visible property is set to true.
ClassWeek Week object.
ClassWeekHeaderClickedEventArgs Event parameters used by the UltraMonthViewSingle.WeekHeaderClicked event.
ClassWeekLook WeekLook object.
ClassWeekLook.WeekLookTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule WeekLook.
ClassWeekLookEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassWeekOfYear WeekOfYear object.
ClassWeekOfYear.WeekOfYearTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule WeekOfYear.
ClassWeekOfYearEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassWeekSelectableItemProxy Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Week object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection.
ClassWeeksOfYearCollection A collection of WeekOfYear objects.
ClassWeeksOfYearLookCollection Collection of WeekLook objects.
ClassYear Year object.
ClassYearLook YearLook object.
InterfaceIAccessibleDayUIElement This interface is used to essentially combine MonthViewSingle.DayUIElement and WeekView.DayUIElement and expose common properties/methods for Accessbility.
DelegateActiveOwnerChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveOwnerChanged event.
DelegateActiveOwnerChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveOwnerChanging event.
DelegateActivitiesDragCompleteEventHandler Delegate for UltraMonthViewSingleBase.ActivitiesDragComplete event.
DelegateActivityScrollButtonClickedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActivityScrollButtonClickedEventArgs event.
DelegateActivityScrollButtonToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActivityScrollButtonToolTipDisplayingEventArgs event.
DelegateAfterActiveDayChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after the ActiveDay is changed.
DelegateAfterActiveOwnerChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner has changed.
DelegateAfterActivitiesDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.AfterActivitiesDeleted event
DelegateAfterAppointmentEditedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after an appointment is edited.
DelegateAfterAppointmentEditEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.AfterAppointmentEdit event
DelegateAfterAppointmentResizedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after an appointment is resized.
DelegateAfterAppointmentsDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after appointments are deleted.
DelegateAfterAppointmentsMovedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after 1 or more appointment(s) are moved.
DelegateAfterCalendarComboPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraCalendarCombo.AfterPerformAction event.
DelegateAfterDayViewPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraDayView.AfterPerformAction event.
DelegateAfterDayViewScrollEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after the control is scrolled
DelegateAfterDisplayMonthPopupEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after a month popup is displayed.
DelegateAfterMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraMonthViewMulti.AfterPerformAction event.
DelegateAfterMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraMonthViewSingle.AfterPerformAction event.
DelegateAfterNoteEditEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.AfterNoteEdit event
DelegateAfterRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs involves an Appointmentobject.
DelegateAfterScrollEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.AfterScroll event
DelegateAfterSpinEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after a spin button has been pressed.
DelegateAfterTimeSlotSelectionChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs after a time slot is selected.
DelegateAfterWeekViewPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraWeekView.AfterPerformAction event.
DelegateAppointmentDataErrorEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataError event.
DelegateAppointmentDataInitializedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataInitialized event.
DelegateAppointmentEditModeEnteredHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AppointmentEditModeEnteredEventArgs event.
DelegateAppointmentEditModeExitedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AppointmentEditModeExitedEventArgs event.
DelegateAppointmentEnteringEditModeHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AppointmentEnteringEditModeEventArgs event.
DelegateAppointmentEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs involves an Appointmentobject.
DelegateAppointmentExitingEditModeHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AppointmentExitingEditModeEventArgs event.
DelegateAppointmentResizedHandler Delegate for the AppointmentResized event.
DelegateAppointmentResizingHandler Delegate for the AppointmentResizing event.
DelegateAppointmentsDragCompleteEventHandler Delegate for UltraDayView.AppointmentsDragComplete event.
DelegateAppointmentsDragDropHandler Delegate for the AppointmentsDragDrop event.
DelegateAppointmentsDraggingHandler Delegate for the AppointmentsDragging event.
DelegateAppointmentToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AppointmentToolTipDisplaying event.
DelegateBeforeActiveDayChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before the ActiveDay is changed.
DelegateBeforeActiveOwnerChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner is changed.
DelegateBeforeActivitiesDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.BeforeActivitiesDeleted event
DelegateBeforeAppointmentEditedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before an appointment is edited.
DelegateBeforeAppointmentEditEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.BeforeAppointmentEdit event
DelegateBeforeAppointmentResizedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before an appointment is resized.
DelegateBeforeAppointmentsDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before appointments are deleted.
DelegateBeforeAppointmentsMovedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before 1 or more appointment(s) are moved.
DelegateBeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before an appointment tooltip is displayed.
DelegateBeforeCalendarComboPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraCalendarCombo.BeforePerformAction event.
DelegateBeforeDayViewPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraDayView.BeforePerformAction event.
DelegateBeforeDayViewScrollEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before the control is scrolled
DelegateBeforeDisplayContextMenuEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a context menu would be displayed.
DelegateBeforeDisplayDayToolTipEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a tooltip is displayed for a day object.
DelegateBeforeDisplayMonthPopupEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a month popup is displayed.
DelegateBeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayedEventHandler Defines the signature for a method that handles the BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayed event.
DelegateBeforeMonthScrollEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before the control scrolls to a different month.
DelegateBeforeMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraMonthViewMulti.BeforePerformAction event.
DelegateBeforeMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraMonthViewSingle.BeforePerformAction event.
DelegateBeforeNoteEditEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.BeforeNoteEdit event
DelegateBeforeRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that fires before an Appointment that is a member of a recurrence is deleted.
DelegateBeforeScrollEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.BeforeScroll event
DelegateBeforeSelectedAppointmentsChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a change occurs to the UltraCalendarInfo.SelectedAppointments.
DelegateBeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occur before a change to the UltraCalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges occurs.
DelegateBeforeSelectedHolidaysChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a change occurs to the UltraCalendarInfo.SelectedHolidays.
DelegateBeforeSelectedNotesChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a change occurs to the UltraCalendarInfo.SelectedNotes.
DelegateBeforeSpinEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before the date changes due to clicking on the spin buttons.
DelegateBeforeTimeSlotSelectionChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a time slot is selected.
DelegateBeforeWeekViewPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for UltraWeekView.BeforePerformAction event.
DelegateCalendarInfoChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when UltraCalendarInfo data has changed.
DelegateCalendarLookChangedEventHandler delegate for handling event that occurs when CalendarLook data has changed
DelegateCancelableAppointmentEventHandler Delegate for handling the Cancelable event involving a single Appointment.
DelegateCancelableHolidayEventHandler Delegate for handling the Cancelable event involving a single Holiday object.
DelegateCancelableNoteEventHandler Delegate for handling the Cancelable event involving a single Note object.
DelegateCancelableUIElementEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs before a context menu would be displayed.
DelegateColumnHeaderInitializingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnHeaderInitializing event.
DelegateColumnHeaderToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs event.
DelegateDateNavigationButtonClickedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DateNavigationButtonClicked event.
DelegateDateTimeIntervalLabelToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DateTimeIntervalLabelToolTipDisplayingEventArgs event.
DelegateDayOfWeekHeaderClickedEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingle.DayOfWeekHeaderClicked event
DelegateDisplayAppointmentDialogEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event.
DelegateDisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialogEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialog event.
DelegateHolidayEventHandler Delegate for handling the event involving a single Holiday object.
DelegateHolidayToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the HolidayToolTipDisplaying event.
DelegateInitializeDayEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when a Day object is created.
DelegateInitializeMonthEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when a Month object is created.
DelegateInitializeVisibleDayEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when a VisibleDay object is added to the UltraDayView.VisibleDays collection.
DelegateInitializeWeekEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when a Week object is created.
DelegateInitializeYearEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when a Year object is created.
DelegateMoreActivityIndicatorClickedEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.MoreActivityIndicatorClicked event
DelegateNoteDataErrorEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataError event.
DelegateNoteDataInitializedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataInitialized event.
DelegateNoteEventHandler Delegate for handling the event involving a single Note object.
DelegateOwnerDataErrorEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataError event.
DelegateOwnerDataInitializedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataInitialized event.
DelegateOwnerHeaderToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the OwnerHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs event.
DelegatePrimaryIntervalChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the PrimaryIntervalChanged event.
DelegateProjectDataErrorHandler Defines the signature for the method that handles the ProjectDataError event.
DelegateProjectDataInitializedHandler Defines the signature for the method that handles the ProjectDataInitialized event.
DelegateSelectedAppointmentsDeletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectedAppointmentsDeletedEventArgs event.
DelegateSelectedAppointmentsDeletingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectedAppointmentsDeletingEventArgs event.
DelegateSelectedDateTimeRangeChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanged event.
DelegateSelectedDateTimeRangeChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanging event.
DelegateTaskConstraintViolationHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskConstraintViolation event.
DelegateTaskDataErrorHandler Defines the signature for the method that handles the TaskDataError event.
DelegateTaskDataInitializedHandler Defines the signature for the method that handles the TaskDataInitialized event.
DelegateTaskWorkingHourViolationHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskWorkingHourViolation event.
DelegateValidateAppointmentEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointment event.
DelegateValidateAppointmentRecurrenceEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointmentRecurrence event.
DelegateValidationErrorEventHandler Delegate for handling the event that occurs when an invalid value or date format is set.
DelegateVisibleDateTimeRangeChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the VisibleDateTimeRangeChanged event.
DelegateWeekHeaderClickedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraMonthViewSingle.WeekHeaderClicked event
EnumerationActivityDisplayStyleEnum Determines which activities (Appointments, Notes, or Holidays) are displayed
EnumerationAllDayEventAreaScrolling Constants which determine whether scroll buttons and/or a scrollbar are displayed within the UltraDayView control's all-day event area.
EnumerationAllDayEventEndTimeBoundary Constants which describe the manner in which an all-day appointment's EndDateTime is resolved.
EnumerationAppointmentActionType Determines what type of action to take
EnumerationAppointmentDragPhase Constants which identify the various phases for the AppointmentsDragging event.
EnumerationAppointmentResizePhase Constants which identify the various phases for the AppointmentResizing event.
EnumerationAppointmentResizeSelectionAction Constants which identify how the SelectedAppointments collection is affected when an appointment resize operation is initiated.
EnumerationAppointmentResizeType Constants which identify the type of resize operation being performed on an Appointment.
EnumerationAppointmentsDataBindingPropertyId Values that uniquely identify each bindable property of the Appointment object.
EnumerationBarDragActions Enumerates drag actions that the user may take on a task bar.
EnumerationCalendarComboEventGroups Identifies groups of CalendarCombo events
EnumerationCalendarComboEventIds Enumerations that uniquely identify the UltraCalendarCombo events.
EnumerationCalendarComboValueType Determines the type of value being used in the UltraCalendarCombo control.
EnumerationCalendarDetailsBreakMode Enumeration used by the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.CalendarDetailsBreakMode to determine when a page break should be inserted when printing a CalendarDetails style UltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle
EnumerationCalendarInfoCategories Categories for use when saving and loading the properties of the UltraCalendarInfo
EnumerationCalendarInfoEventGroups Identifies groups of CalendarInfo specific events
EnumerationCalendarInfoEventIds Uniquely identifies each CalendarInfo specific event
EnumerationCalendarLookCategories Categories for use when saving and loading the properties of the UltraCalendarLook
EnumerationCalendarLookEventGroups Identifies groups of CalendarLook specific events
EnumerationCalendarLookEventIds Uniquely identifies each CalendarInfo specific event
EnumerationClosestDayToReturn Used to specify the direction of a search.
EnumerationControlWithActivityBaseEventIds Constants which identify events for the ControlWithActivityBase-derived controls.
EnumerationDateButtonAction Determines the action taken when the date button is pressed.
EnumerationDateButtonType Determines the date activated when the calendar button is clicked.
EnumerationDateDeserializationMode Specifies how dates are to be de-serialized.
EnumerationDateHeaderCaptionStyle Enumeration used by the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.DateHeaderCaptionStyle to determine what caption is rendered in the date header area.
EnumerationDateIntervalUnits Constants which represent the units in which a DateInterval is expressed.
EnumerationDateNavigationDirection Constants which determine the direction in which the control navigates when a DateNavigationButtonUIElement is clicked.
EnumerationDateSelectionType Used to determine what will be stored in the edit portion of the calendar combo.
EnumerationDateSerializationMode Specifies whether dates will be serialized to the data source as local or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) times.
EnumerationDateValidationError Date validation error reasons.
EnumerationDayDisplayStyle Determines what is displayed in a day object.
EnumerationDayDisplayStyleEnum Determines how Days or DayOfWeek headers will display their content
EnumerationDayOfWeekCaptionStyle Determines the text used for the Day Of Week captions.
EnumerationDayOfWeekDisplayStyle Determines the display style used for the MultiMonth's DayOfWeek Header area.
EnumerationDayOfWeekEnum Determines the day of the week.
EnumerationDaySizeAndPositionInfo DaySizeAndPositionInfo
EnumerationDayViewColumnScrolling Determines the UI displayed for scrolling between columns and groups.
EnumerationDayViewEventGroups Identifies groups of DayView events
EnumerationDayViewEventIds Uniquely identifies each DayView event.
EnumerationDayViewGroupingStyle Determines how owners and dates are grouped.
EnumerationDayViewScrollType Specifies the type of scroll operation
EnumerationDisplayIntervalUnits Determines the units used for the Reminder DisplayInterval property
EnumerationFirstDayOfWeek Determines which day of the week is considered the first day.
EnumerationGridSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the GridSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationLookObjects Enumeration of the date specific look object types.
EnumerationMemoBreakMode Enumeration used by the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.MemoBreakMode property to determine when a page break should be inserted when printing a Memo style UltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle
EnumerationMonthHeaderCaptionStyle Determines what is used for the month header caption.
EnumerationMonthlyLayoutStyle Enumeration used by the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.MonthlyLayoutStyle to determine how a Monthly style UltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle is rendered.
EnumerationMonthOrientation Determines the order in which the months are displayed.
EnumerationMonthViewMultiEventGroups Identifies groups of MonthViewMulti events
EnumerationMonthViewMultiEventIds Uniquely identifies each MonthViewMulti event.
EnumerationNotesDataBindingPropertyId Values that uniquely identify each data binding related property of the Note object.
EnumerationOwnerDisplayStyle Describes how owner appointments are displayed.
EnumerationOwnerNavigationStyle Describes the type of user interface that is presented to the end user with which to navigate between owners.
EnumerationOwnersDataBindingPropertyId Values that uniquely identify each bindable property of the Owner object.
EnumerationProjectsDataBindingPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the Project object which can be bound to a data source via the ProjectsDataBinding class.
EnumerationPropertyIds Values that uniquely identify each control property.
EnumerationRecurrenceDialogResult Determines how the RecurrenceDialog was closed.
EnumerationRecurrenceEditType Determines whether the entire series or only one occurrence is affected when editing or deleting an Appointment.
EnumerationRecurrenceEditTypeDialogResult Determines the result of a RecurrenceEditTypeDialog session.
EnumerationRecurrenceEditTypeDialogType Determines whether the RecurrenceEditTypeDialog is opened for editing or deleting a recurrence/occurrence.
EnumerationRecurrencePatternDaysOfWeek Determines the day(s) of the week on which an occurrence falls for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationRecurrencePatternFrequency Determines the frequency at which a recurrence occurs for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationRecurrencePatternOccurrenceOfDayInMonth Determines which occurrence of the day in its respective month a recurrence is to occur for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationRecurrencePatternType Determines whether the recurrence pattern for an AppointmentRecurrence is set to occur on a specific day of the month and/or month of the year, or calculated based on other criteria.
EnumerationRecurrenceRangeLimit Determines the limiting factor of a recurrence range for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationResizeMode Determines how the control is sized.
EnumerationSchedulePrintRange Enumeration used to indicate the source for the dates that are printed.
EnumerationSchedulePrintStyle Enumerations of print styles for the UltraSchedulePrintDocument
EnumerationScrollButtonStyle Determines how the scroll button border will be displayed.
EnumerationSelectableTimeSlotType Represents the different types of SelectableTimeSlot objects
EnumerationSelectType Determines the type of selection
EnumerationShowEditorButtons Determines whether an editor's buttons will be displayed.
EnumerationSnoozeIntervalUnits Determines the units used for the Reminder SnoozeInterval property
EnumerationSortableTaskField Constants that specify the property of a Task on which sorting is based.
EnumerationSpinIncrementUnit Used to determine the increment used when pressing the spin buttons in the CalendarCombo.
EnumerationTabNavigation Determines the method of navigation when the user presses the tab key.
EnumerationTaskCellSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TaskCellSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTaskColumnPropertyIds Enum which identifies a change in the TaskColumn/
EnumerationTaskColumnSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TaskColumnSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTaskConstraint Contains constants which define the different types of constraints for a Task.
EnumerationTaskConstraintViolationAction Constants which describe the action to be taken when the TaskConstraintViolation event is fired.
EnumerationTaskConstraintViolationReason Constants which describe the reason that the TaskConstraintViolation event was fired.
EnumerationTaskDependencyType Contains constants which define the different types of dependencies that can exist between linked tasks.
EnumerationTaskField Enum which identifies a field of a Task object for the purposes of setting field-specific settings.
EnumerationTaskFieldSettingsBasePropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TaskFieldSettingsBasePropertyIds object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTaskGridSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TaskGridSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTaskPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the Task object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTasksDataBindingPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the Task object which can be bound to a data source via the TasksDataBinding class.
EnumerationTaskSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TaskSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTaskWorkingHourMode Constants which describe whether a task'sStartDateTime, Duration, and EndDateTime are automatically adjusted to account for non-workdays and non-working hours.
EnumerationTaskWorkingHourViolationAction Constants which describe the action to be taken when the TaskWorkingHourViolation event is fired.
EnumerationTaskWorkingHourViolationReason Constants which describe the reason that the TaskWorkingHourViolation event was fired.
EnumerationTimeDisplayStyleEnum Determines how the Appointment.StartDateTime and Appointment.EndDateTime of an Appointment object will be displayed.
EnumerationTimeIntervalUnits Constants which represent the units in which a TimeInterval is expressed.
EnumerationTimelineSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the TimelineSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationTimelineViewActivityScrollButtonVisibility Constants which define whether scroll buttons are displayed within the ActivityAreaUIElement which allow the user to scroll activities which are not currently within the viewable area into view.
EnumerationTimelineViewActivityToolTipVisibility Determines the circumstances under which tooltips are displayed for AppointmentUIElements.
EnumerationTimelineViewAppointmentDragMode Constants which specify whether appointment dragging is permitted for the UltraTimelineView control, and if so, whether they can be dragged to a different Owner
EnumerationTimelineViewAppointmentTimeVisibility Constants which define whether the value of the StartDateTime and EndDateTime properties are displayed within the AppointmentUIElement.
EnumerationTimelineViewAppointmentVisibility Determines whether Appointments are displayed, and whether they are displayed in the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationTimelineViewBarColorIndicatorVisibility Constants which define whether an AppointmentUIElement displays the associated appointment's BarColor.
EnumerationTimelineViewColumnAutoSizing Determines whether the value of the ColumnWidth property is set to the ideal width for the PrimaryInterval by double-clicking the adjustable area of the header.
EnumerationTimelineViewColumnScrollBarVisibility Determines whether a horizontal scrollbar is shown, with which the user can change which dates and times appear within the viewable area of the control.
EnumerationTimelineViewColumnSizing Determines whether the user can change the size of the columns displayed by the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationTimelineViewDateNavigationButtonAction Determines whether navigational buttons appear on the ColumnHeaderUIElements displayed for a DateTimeInterval.
EnumerationTimelineViewDateNavigationButtonVisibility Determines whether navigational buttons appear on the ColumnHeaderUIElements displayed for a DateTimeInterval.
EnumerationTimelineViewDateTimeContinuationIndicatorVisibility Constants which define whether an indicator is displayed within the AppointmentUIElement to denote that the associated appointment's StartDateTime and/or EndDateTime are not contained within the viewable area of the control.
EnumerationTimelineViewEventGroups Enumeration which groups events based on which phase of a change they represent.
EnumerationTimelineViewEventIds Uniquely identifies each DayView event.
EnumerationTimelineViewHeaderTextFormatStyle Constants which specify the manner in which the HeaderTextFormat is applied to the dates displayed on the column headers.
EnumerationTimelineViewHolidayVisibility Determines whether Holidays are displayed, and whether they are displayed in the UltraTimelineView control for each Owner, or only the UnassignedOwner.
EnumerationTimelineViewOwnerGroupingStyle Determines how Owners are displayed in the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationTimelineViewOwnerScrollBarVisibility Determines whether a vertical scrollbar is shown, with which the user can move Owners in and out of the viewable area of the control.
EnumerationTimelineViewOwnerSizing Determines whether the user can change the size of the rows which represent Owners in the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationTimelineViewPropertyIds Constants which identify properties of the UltraTimelineView control and its related sub-objects.
EnumerationTimelineViewRecurrenceIndicatorVisibility Constants which define whether an indicator is displayed within the AppointmentUIElement to denote whether the appointment is a recurring appointment.
EnumerationTimelineViewReminderIndicatorVisibility Constants which define whether an indicator is displayed within the AppointmentUIElement to denote an enabled Reminder.
EnumerationTimeScaleResolution Constants which define the time scale resolution for a DateTimeInterval.
EnumerationTimeSlotDescriptorLabelStyle Determines how often the Time Slot Descriptor labels are displayed.
EnumerationTimeSlotInterval Determines the time interval used to display Time Slots in the DayView control.
EnumerationTipStyleActivity Determines whether tooltips will be displayed for Appointment and/or Note objects.
EnumerationTipStyleDay Determines the information displayed in a day's tooltip.
EnumerationTriFoldLayoutStyle Enumeration indicating how the information in a TriFoldUltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle should be printed.
EnumerationTriFoldSectionStyle Enumeration of the sections available for a TriFold style UltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle.
EnumerationUltraDayViewAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the UltraDayView
EnumerationUltraDayViewState Bit flags that describe the state of the control.
EnumerationUltraMonthViewSingleEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraMonthViewSingle specific events
EnumerationUltraMonthViewSingleEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraMonthViewSingle specific event
EnumerationUltraTimelineViewAction Enumerates the user interface actions that can be performed on the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationUltraTimelineViewState Bit flags that describe the state of the UltraTimelineView control.
EnumerationViewStyle Determines the view style for controls that are attached to this instance of the UltraCalendarLook component.
EnumerationVisibleDateTimeRangeChangedReason Constants which describe the reason the VisibleDateTimeRangeChanged event was fired.
EnumerationWeekendDisplayStyleEnum Determines how weekend days will be displayed
EnumerationWeekHeaderDisplayStyle Enumeration which contains constants which determine how week headers are displayed by the UltraMonthViewSingle control.
EnumerationWeeklyLayoutStyle Enumeration of the various layouts available for a Weekly style UltraSchedulePrintDocument.PrintStyle.
EnumerationYearDisplayStyleEnum Determines how the individual Days will display the Year portion of their content
EnumerationYearMonthEnum Determines the month of the year.
See Also