
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit Namespace

ClassAlphaChar Class for matching alpha characters [A-Za-z]
ClassAlphaNumericChar Class for matching alpha and digits [A-Za-z0-9]
ClassAMPMSection Class for AP-PM section of a time mask.
ClassCharTypeConverter TypeConverter class for character properties.
ClassDaySection day section part of a date mask
ClassDigitChar Class for matching digits
ClassDisplayCharBase base type for all CharacterPosition classes
ClassDisplayCharsCollection DisplayCharsCollection class
ClassDisplayCharsEditSection display charsedit section that is based
ClassDisplayCharUIElement DisplayCharUIElement class
ClassEditAreaUIElement EditAreaUIElement
ClassEditSectionBase base class for any non-literal sections
ClassEraSection Class for Era section of a date mask.
ClassFractionPart Edit section implementation for a fraction part.
ClassFractionPartContinuous Edit section implementation for a fraction part.
ClassHourSection hour section of a time mask
ClassInputCharBase Class that represents an editable position in the mask edit control
ClassInvalidCharEventArgs InvalidCharEventArgs class for firing InvalidChar event. You can prevent the default behaviour of MaskedEdit control which is to beep by setting the Beep property to false.
ClassInvalidOperationEventArgs InvalidOperationEventArgs class for firing InvalidOperation event. You can prevent the default behaviour of MaskedEdit control which is to beep by setting the Beep property to false.
ClassKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraGrid.
ClassKeyActionMappings Summary description for KeyActionMappings.
ClassLiteralSection LiteralSection class
ClassMaskedEditUIElement The main element for an editing area for the masked edit.
ClassMinuteSection minute section of a time mask
ClassMonthSection month section part of a date mask
ClassNumberSection a number section
ClassParsedMask Class for applying a mask to a string without having to create a masked edit control
ClassSecondSection second section of a time mask
ClassSectionBase abstract base class for all the different kinds of sections
ClassSectionsCollection sections collection
ClassSectionUIElement SectionUIElement. Used for drawing each section
ClassSpinIncrementUITypeEditor SpinIncrementUITypeEditor. TypeEditor used for the SpinIncrement property to allow Int32, Double, Decimal and DateTimeIncrement types.
ClassYearSection year section of a date mask
EnumerationAutoFillDate Enum used for specifying EditorWithMask's Infragistics.Win.EditorWithMask.AutoFillDate property.
EnumerationAutoFillTime Constants which specify the manner in which the time placeholders for the value are automatically populated when the value is validated.
EnumerationDisplayCharIncludeMethod This enumeration is used to specify the value for DisplayChar.IncludeMethod property. It dictates how a value of a DisplayChar is included when applying mask to get the text.
EnumerationFilterType Used to specify the type of converting is to be done on an input character
EnumerationMaskedEditAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the masked edit control
EnumerationMaskedEditState Bit flags that describe the state of the control.
EnumerationMaskedEditTabNavigation Determines the behavior of the tab key in masked editors.
EnumerationMaskMode specifies the mode to be applied when getting text from the masked edit control
EnumerationMaskSelectAllBehavior Used for specifying EditorWithMask's Infragistics.Win.EditorWithMask.SelectAllBehavior property.
EnumerationOrientation used to specify whether a section is right-to-left ( number sections ) or left-to-right edit
EnumerationPropertyIds This enumerates each property
EnumerationSpinButtonIntervalSettingsPropertyIds This enumerates each property of the SpinButtonIntervalSettings class
See Also