
Spell Check a Cell in WinGrid

One of the several controls that WinSpellChecker™ supports is the WinGrid™ control. WinSpellChecker can check the spelling of any cell in WinGrid. You need to set the SpellChecker extender property of the UltraGridColumn to an instance of WinSpellChecker. Once set, WinSpellChecker will spell check any cells that are in edit mode. Set the WinSpellChecker component’s Mode to AsYouType and a red squiggle will appear under a misspelled word in a cell that is in edit mode. Set WinSpellChecker’s Mode to DialogOnValidating and the spell checker dialog box will appear when you leave a cell that contains a misspelled word.


You will not see red squiggles under misspelled words unless the cell being spell checked is in edit mode. Only one cell in WinGrid can be in edit mode at a time; therefore, you will never see red squiggles in more than one cell at a time.

To spell check a cell in the first column of the first band of WinGrid, use the following code.

spell check a cell in ultragrid

In Visual Basic:

Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(0).SpellChecker = _

In C#:

this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].SpellChecker =