
Adding Columns Using Outlook Express Style

The Outlook Express style can be used when you have homogeneous data, with all rows of data of the same type within a single band and across all bands. Additionally, there will only be one visible set of column headers at the top of the WinTree™ control.

This topic shows you how data is displayed in Outlook Express style. The example shown in this topic is a Newsgroup user interface where one column contains a hierarchy and data in all the levels of the hierarchy share the same columns and all nodes end up under the one and only set of column headers.

It is assumed that you have an UltraTree dropped onto your form.

Before you start writing any code, you should place using/imports directives in your code-behind so you don’t need to always type out a member’s fully qualified name.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree
Imports Infragistics.Win

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree;
using Infragistics.Win;

Write the following code in the form load event.

In Visual Basic:

'Set the WinTree control's viewStyle
Me.ultraTree1.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.ViewStyle.OutlookExpress
'Define a ColumnSet that represents the common column schema
Dim commonColumnSet As New UltraTreeColumnSet()
'Add columns to the ColumnSet
commonColumnSet.Columns.Add("News Groups")
Me.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet = commonColumnSet
'Define a Node that holds the first parent table and add it to the WinTree
Dim parentNode1 As UltraTreeNode = Me.ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("10", "Windows Forms NewsGroups")
commonColumnSet.Columns("News Groups").CanShowExpansionIndicator = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.[True]
'Set the cell values for the first parent table
parentNode1.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Windows Forms NewsGroups"
parentNode1.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "4978"
'Define a node that holds the first child table and add it to the first parent node
Dim winChildNode As UltraTreeNode = parentNode1.Nodes.Add("10~1", "winforms.grid")
winChildNode.Override.ColumnSet = commonColumnSet
'Set the cell values for the child table
winChildNode.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Infragistics_for_Windows_forms.grids"
winChildNode.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "987"
'Define a node that holds the second child table and add it to the first parent node
winChildNode = parentNode1.Nodes.Add("10~2", "winforms.doc")
winChildNode.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Infragistics_for_Windows_forms.documentation"
winChildNode.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "3991"
'Define a Node that holds the second parent table and add it to the WinTree
Dim parentNode2 As UltraTreeNode = Me.ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("20", "Web NewsGroups")
'Set the cell values for the second parent table
parentNode2.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Web NewsGroups"
parentNode2.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "2764"
'Define a node that holds the first child table and add it to the second parent node
Dim webChildNode As UltraTreeNode = parentNode2.Nodes.Add("20~1", "webFroms.Grid")
webChildNode.Override.ColumnSet = commonColumnSet
'Set the cell values for the child table
webChildNode.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Infragistics_for_Web_forms.grids"
webChildNode.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "958"
'Define a node that holds the second child table and add it to the second parent node
webChildNode = parentNode2.Nodes.Add("20~2", "webFroms.documentation")
webChildNode.Cells("News Groups").Value = "Infragistics_for_Web_forms.documentation"
webChildNode.Cells("Number_of_Responses").Value = "1806"

In C#:

//Set the WinTree control's viewStyle
this.ultraTree1.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.ViewStyle.OutlookExpress;
//Define a ColumnSet that represents the common column schema
UltraTreeColumnSet commonColumnSet = new UltraTreeColumnSet();
//Add columns to the ColumnSet
commonColumnSet.Columns.Add("News Groups");
this.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet = commonColumnSet;
//Define a Node that holds the first parent table and add it to the WinTree
UltraTreeNode parentNode1 = this.ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("10", "Windows Forms NewsGroups");
commonColumnSet.Columns["News Groups"].CanShowExpansionIndicator = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
//Set the cell values for the first parent table
parentNode1.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Windows Forms NewsGroups";
parentNode1.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "4978";
//Define a node that holds the first child table and add it to the first parent node
UltraTreeNode winChildNode = parentNode1.Nodes.Add("10~1", "winforms.grid");
winChildNode.Override.ColumnSet = commonColumnSet;
//Set the cell values for the child table
winChildNode.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Infragistics_for_Windows_forms.grids";
winChildNode.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "987";
//Define a node that holds the second child table and add it to the first parent node
winChildNode = parentNode1.Nodes.Add("10~2", "winforms.doc");
winChildNode.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Infragistics_for_Windows_forms.documentation";
winChildNode.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "3991";
//Define a Node that holds the second parent table and add it to the WinTree
UltraTreeNode parentNode2 = this.ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("20", "Web NewsGroups");
//Set the cell values for the second parent table
parentNode2.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Web NewsGroups";
parentNode2.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "2764";
//Define a node that holds the first child table and add it to the second parent node
UltraTreeNode webChildNode = parentNode2.Nodes.Add("20~1", "webFroms.Grid");
webChildNode.Override.ColumnSet = commonColumnSet;
//Set the cell values for the child table
webChildNode.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Infragistics_for_Web_forms.grids";
webChildNode.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "958";
//Define a node that holds the second child table and add it to the second parent node
webChildNode = parentNode2.Nodes.Add("20~2", "webFroms.documentation");
webChildNode.Cells["News Groups"].Value = "Infragistics_for_Web_forms.documentation";
webChildNode.Cells["Number_of_Responses"].Value = "1806";
WinTree Adding Columns Using Outlook Express Style 01.png