
Infragistics.Controls.Maps Namespace

ClassBubbleGauge Represents a content control which automatically resizes its content according to its value.
ClassCoordinateSystem Represents a coordinate system.
ClassCylindricalEqualArea The normal aspect cylindrical equal area projection.
ClassCylindricalEquidistant Represents a cylindrical equidistance projection.
ClassDesignServices Utility class for design time.
ClassDistributionScale Simple equal distribution scale
ClassEllipsoid Represents a map ellipsoid shape
ClassEllipsoidUtil Static utility class for map ellipsoid definitions.
ClassGeocs Represents a geo coordinate system.
ClassLinearScale Simple linear scale
ClassLinearUnitCollection Represents a collection of linear units.
ClassLinearUnitCollection.Converter Converts instances of LinearUnitCollection to and from other type representations.
ClassLinearUnitUtil Static utility class containing methods to provide descriptions of LinearUnitType enumeration values.
ClassLogarithmicScale Simple logarithmic scale
ClassMapBrushesChangedEventArgs Provides information about the MapBrushesChanged event that occurs when an MapLayer's brushes collection or its contents changes.
ClassMapColorSwatchPane Specialised color swatch legend pane within an XamMap component.
ClassMapElement The abstract base class for all map elements (direct layer content).
ClassMapElementClickEventArgs Provides information about the MapElementClickEvent event that occurs when an Element in a map is activated either by the end-user or programmatically.
ClassMapElementCollection Represents an observable collection of MapElement objects.
ClassMapElementHoverEventArgs Provides information about the MapElementHover event that occurs when the mouse enters or leaves an element on an MapLayer.
ClassMapElementRenderEventArgs Provides information about the MapElementPrerender event that occurs immediately before rendering a layer Element.
ClassMapLayer A layer of elements in an XamMap control.
ClassMapLayerCollection An observable collection of layers.
ClassMapLayerImportEventArgs Provides information about the MapLayerImport event that occurs when an MapLayer import terminates.
ClassMapLayersChangedEventArgs Provides information about the MapLayersChanged event that occurs when an MapLayer's layers collection or its contents changes.
ClassMapMouseButtonEventArgs Provides data for mouse button related events.
ClassMapMouseEventArgs Provides data for mouse related routed events that do not specifically involve mouse buttons or the mouse wheel, for example MapMouseMove.
ClassMapNavigationPane The navigation pane provides a set of interactive controls for navigating or panning the map. Panning functionality is tied closely to the location of the canvas's view center.
ClassMapPanPane Specialised pan pane within an XamMap component. The pan pane typically contains button controls to pan West, South, East and North as well as one to step back in the window position history any of which may be overridden or reconfigured by the user.
ClassMapPolyline Simple ordered collection of points with built-in type-conversion from string
ClassMapPolyline.Converter Converts instances of other types to and from a MapPolyline.
ClassMapPolylineCollection Represents a collection of MapPolyline objects.
ClassMapPolylineCollection.Converter Converts instances of other types to and from a MapPolylineCollection.
ClassMapRectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Map_WindowRectChanged event which occurs when the window rectangle is changed either by the end-user or programmatically.
ClassMapScalePane Specialised scale pane within an XamMap component.
ClassMapSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides information about the MapSelectionChangedEvent event that occurs when an Element on an MapLayer is activated either by the end-user or programmatically.
ClassMapSRProvider Provides string resources for this assembly.
ClassMapThumbnailPane Represents a control used to a thumbnail view of, and navigation for, a map's window.
ClassMapValueScaleChangedEventArgs Provides information about the ValueScale event that occurs when an an MapLayer's scale or any of its properties are changed either manually or as the result of an autorange operation.
ClassMapViewport Represents the main map area in a XamMap control
ClassMapWindowRectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Map_WindowRectChanged event which occurs when the window rectangle is changed either by the end-user or programmatically.
ClassMapWorldRectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the MapWorldRectChanged event which occurs when the map's worldRect rectangle is changed.
ClassMapZoomPane A zoom pane provides a set of interactive controls for changing the zoom or magnification level of the map. It operates similar to a Windows scrollbar and consists of a slider bar with tick marks, a slider thumb, and two buttons for incremental zoom level changes. Pressing the plus button or dragging the slider thumb towards the plus button causes the map to zoom in (increases the zoom or magnification level). Pressing the minus button or dragging the slider thumb towards the minus button causes the map to zoom out (decreases the zoom level). Specialised zoom pane within an XamMap component. The zoom pane typically contains button controls to step zoom and fit, as well as a slider to incrementally zoom, the map window, any of which may be overridden or reconfigured by the user.
ClassMillerCylindrical Represents a miller cylindrical projection.
ClassObliqueMercator The Hotine Oblique Mercator Projection
ClassPathElement A specialised layer Element representing a line or polyline object.
ClassProjection Projection objects define the full public API for projecting geodetic map coordinates to/from Cartesian the internal coordinate system
ClassProjectionUtil Static utility class for map projections.
ClassReader A base class for creating a map data reader
ClassShapefileEnumerable Represents an ESRI shapefile as an ObservableCollection of objects.
ClassShapeFileReader Represents Represents an ESRI Shapefile with a method to asynchronously populate an MapLayer.
ClassShapefileRow Specifies a notional row of data from an ESRI shapefile.
ClassSphericalMercator Represents a spherical Mercator projection.
ClassSqlShapeReader Map reader used to import data from an SQL database.
ClassSurfaceElement A specialised layer Element representing a polygonal or polypolygonal object.
ClassSymbolElement A specialised layer Element representing a point object.
ClassUltraUnit Describes a unit of measurement
ClassValueScale Abstract base class for scale functionality.
ClassXamMap The XamMap Component
InterfaceILogicalObject The ILogicalObject interface is used extensively within the map component to allow definition of logical object hierarchies.
DelegateMapBrushesChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapBrushesChanged event.
DelegateMapElementClickEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapElementClickEventArgs event.
DelegateMapElementHoverEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapElementHoverEvent event.
DelegateMapElementRenderEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapElementRenderEvent event.
DelegateMapLayerImportEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapLayerImport event.
DelegateMapLayersChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapLayersChanged event.
DelegateMapMouseButtonEventHandler Represents the method that will handle mouse button related routed events, for example MapMouseLeftButtonDown.
DelegateMapMouseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle mouse related routed events that do not specifically involve mouse buttons or the mouse wheel; for example, MapMouseMove.
DelegateMapRectChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapWindowRectChanged event.
DelegateMapSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapSelectionChanged event.
DelegateMapValueScaleChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the ValueScale event.
DelegateMapWindowRectChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapWindowRectChanged event.
DelegateMapWorldRectChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MapWorldRectChanged event.
EnumerationColorSwatchPaneDisplayMode Defines how the color swatch panel displays brush samples.
EnumerationEllipsoidType Standard ellipsoids.
EnumerationLinearUnitType Specifies a standard linear unit.
EnumerationMapColorSwatchPaneLabelMode Defines the possible color swatch pane label modes.
EnumerationMapFillMode Defines how the map component modifies Element fill settings.
EnumerationMapGridDisplayMode Defines the possible mapd grid display modes.
EnumerationMapLayerImportAction Represents an action associated with a MapLayerImport event.
EnumerationMapSymbolType Defines the shape used to display symbol elements.
EnumerationMapWindowAnimationMode Used to define how value scales map values to brushes.
EnumerationProjectionType Defines a projection type used by coordiante systems to convert geodetic to Cartesian coordinates.
EnumerationScalePaneDisplayMode Defines the method used by the scale pane to diplay a sample distance.
EnumerationShapefileRow.RowType Specifies the type of item represented by the current row.
EnumerationUTMZone Specifies a universal transverse Mercator zone.
See Also