
External Filtering (xamDataGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates through code example, how to use the xamDataGrid™ control to externalize the record filtering process.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic introduces the DataPresenter control’s grouping function.

The DataPresenter controls offer a grouping function, which allows end users to group records based on fields that contain the same value.

The xamDataGrid control uses the Grid View and arranges data in columns and rows.

This section is your gateway to important task-based information that will help you to use the various features and functionalities provided by xamDataGrid control more effectively.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Introduction to the xamDataGrid external Filtering

The following example demonstrates how to configure the xamDataGrid control’s external filtering process, which runs externally without affecting the user interface. To display a list of available filter operands, click on either the filter label icon or a filter cell’s drop-down button, depending on the selected FilterUIType. Due to current limitations, some of the xamDataGrid’s data presenter operands, which are normally available, are not available for the xamDataGrid’s data presenter.

Since the DataPresenter’s resources go unused when carrying out external operations, it consumes considerably less overhead. The CollectionView performs the requested filtering process, and once the filtering finishes the CollectionView notifies the DataPresenter, which in turn propagates the results in the UI.


The following screenshot illustrates a typical data grid rendering before filtering on the Make column, which indicates the number of items in the CollectionView. In this case, there are 9 items in the CollectionView.

xamDataGrid ExternalFiltering 01.png

The next screenshot illustrates how the same data grid would render if the user were to filter on a specific manufacturer, in this case Honda in the Make field. Additionally, enabling the UseCollectionView’s FilterEvaluationMode, results in updating the collection view and displaying the number of filtered items in the CollectionView. In this case, there are 3 items in the CollectionView.

CollectionView‘s filter property propagates the result of filtered records to the xamDataGrid’s data presenter. Additionally, the data presenter reflects the changes made in the filter by rendering the result in the xamDataGrid’s view.

xamDataGrid ExternalFiltering 02.png

The following screenshot illustrates the outlined column filtering scenario, but with the FilterEvaluationMode set to Default this time. Notice that the items in CollectionView are unaffected by the filtering process. The xamDataGrid’s data presenter performs the filtering internally.

xamDataGrid ExternalFiltering 03.png


When using the UseCollectionView’s FilterEvaluationMode, if you have a custom ICollectionView implementation where ICollectionView.SourceCollection does not return a value results in operands requiring aggregated value to evaluate (for example, Above Average, Below Average, Percentile etc… ) are unsupported.

The reason for not being able to support these operands is that the operation of filtering makes the entire data set unavailable to the data presenter.

Furthermore, you cannot populate the filter drop-down list with unique values.

In order to present unique values in the drop-down or control what gets presented, you first need to handle either the RecordFilterDropDownPopulating or RecordFilterDropDownOpening event, which populates the drop-down with a list of unique values.

Choosing an operand from the filter drop-down notifies the data presenter to apply the condition to the ICollectionView data souce, which in turn filters itself and notify the data presenter to display the filtered items.


Since the ICollectionView filters itself and provides a subset of data items to the data presenter, the data presenter discards the filtered out data items' DataRecord objects. Therefore, selected or activated records toggle their selected or activated state following the removal of the filtering criteria when the data grid refreshes. You can only perform filtering on bound data fields.

When filtering data items (in and out), the xamDataGrid control recreates the DataRecord objects. Thus resulting in the loss of any unbound field values, along with any other state stored by the DataRecord.

In order to use External Filtering, you will first need to configure the FieldLayoutSettings' FilterEvaluationMode with the UseCollectionView option.

The following is an enumeration of the available FilterEvaluationModes:

Sort condition type Description


Internal filtering, performed by the data presenter.


Resolves to Auto.


Allows the user to manually implement the filtering logic by removing entries not matching the filtering criteria from the data source.


Uses the ICollectionView data source to execute the filtering operations.


If there are any filtering logic set using the Filter property of the ICollectionView implementing data source, it will be overwritten by the xamDataGrid’s filtering criteria which are supplied through this property.

External Filtering – Code Example


This external filtering operation uses callback procedures to pass your filtering criteria to the ICollectionView to filter out records.


Create a new WPF Application project and perform the following requirements:

  • Add the following NuGet package reference to your project:

    • Infragistics.WPF.DataGrids

  • Add the following namespace definitions in the XAML part of the window, where your will place the mark-up for the xamDataGrid:

  • Ensure that the relevant properties of the object are marked as public , as those properties will be accessed using Reflection while evaluating filter conditions.

Code explanation

Enabling record filtering.


   <igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True" />

Setting up the FilterEvaluationMode with UseCollectionView option.


      FilterUIType="LabelIcons" />

Complete code

Data model definition.

In C#:

 public class DataModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private string _make;
        public string Make
            get { return _make; }
                if (_make != value)
                    _make = value;
        private string _model;
        public string Model
            get { return _model; }
                if (_model != value)
                    _model = value;
        private double _price;
        public double Price
            get { return _price; }
                if (_price != value)
                    _price = value;
        private int _mileage;
        public int Mileage
            get { return _mileage; }
                if (_mileage != value)
                    _mileage = value;
        #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
        protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

In Visual Basic:

Public Class DataModel
      Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
      Private _make As String
      Public Property Make() As String
                  Return _make
            End Get
                  If _make <> value Then
                        _make = value
                  End If
            End Set
      End Property
      Private _model As String
      Public Property Model() As String
                  Return _model
            End Get
                  If _model <> value Then
                        _model = value
                  End If
            End Set
      End Property
      Private _price As Double
      Public Property Price() As Double
                  Return _price
            End Get
                  If _price <> value Then
                        _price = value
                  End If
            End Set
      End Property
      Private _mileage As Integer
      Public Property Mileage() As Integer
                  Return _mileage
            End Get
                  If _mileage <> value Then
                        _mileage = value
                  End If
            End Set
      End Property
      #Region "INotifyPropertyChanged Members"
      Protected Sub OnPropertyChanged(propertyName As String)
            RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
      End Sub
      Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler
      #End Region
End Class


            <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <TextBlock x:Name="textBlock1" Text="Items in CollectionView: "
Width="165" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
            <TextBlock x:Name="textBlock2"
Width="30" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
                    ItemsSource="{DynamicResource FilterEvaluationMode}"
                    Value="{Binding ElementName=xamDataGrid1, Path=FieldLayoutSettings.FilterEvaluationMode}"/>
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="xamDataGrid1"
                     DataSource="{DynamicResource DataSource}"
                      FilterUIType="LabelIcons" />
                <igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True" />

In C#:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            this.Resources.Add("FilterEvaluationMode", Enum.GetValues(typeof(FilterEvaluationMode)));
            // Create new instance of the data source
        // Create data source
        private void CreateDataSource()
            var data = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>();
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Ford", Model = "Mustang", Price = 25000, Mileage = 1000 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Jeep", Model = "Wrangler", Price = 21000, Mileage = 200 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Honda", Model = "Accord", Price = 19500, Mileage = 1000 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Toyota", Model = "Camry", Price = 22500, Mileage = 500 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Ford", Model = "Escort", Price = 15000, Mileage = 15000 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Toyota", Model = "4Runner", Price = 31000, Mileage = 50 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Honda", Model = "Pilot", Price = 35000, Mileage = 18000 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Jeep", Model = "Patriot", Price = 22000, Mileage = 1000 });
            data.Add(new DataModel() { Make = "Honda", Model = "Civic", Price = 19500, Mileage = 30000 });
            this.Resources.Add("DataSource", new ListCollectionView(data));
private void xamDataGrid1_RecordFilterChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordFilterChangedEventArgs e)
            CollectionView cv = this.xamDataGrid1.DataSource as CollectionView;
            this.textBlock2.Text = cv.Count.ToString();

In Visual Basic:

Public Partial Class MainWindow
      Inherits Window
      Public Sub New()
            Me.Resources.Add("FilterEvaluationMode", [Enum].GetValues(GetType(FilterEvaluationMode)))
            ' Create new instance of the data source
      End Sub
      ' Create data source
      Private Sub CreateDataSource()
            ' Populate some data
            Dim data = New ObservableCollection(Of DataModel)()
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Ford",
                  .Model = "Mustang",
                  .Price = 25000,
                  .Mileage = 1000
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Jeep",
                  .Model = "Wrangler",
                  .Price = 21000,
                  .Mileage = 200
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Honda",
                  .Model = "Accord",
                  .Price = 19500,
                  .Mileage = 1000
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Toyota",
                  .Model = "Camry",
                  .Price = 22500,
                  .Mileage = 500
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Ford",
                  .Model = "Escort",
                  .Price = 15000,
                  .Mileage = 15000
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Toyota",
                  .Model = "4Runner",
                  .Price = 31000,
                  .Mileage = 50
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Honda",
                  .Model = "Pilot",
                  .Price = 35000,
                  .Mileage = 18000
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Jeep",
                  .Model = "Patriot",
                  .Price = 22000,
                  .Mileage = 1000
            data.Add(New DataModel() With {
                  .Make = "Honda",
                  .Model = "Civic",
                  .Price = 19500,
                  .Mileage = 30000
            Me.Resources.Add("DataSource", New ListCollectionView(data))
      End Sub
      Private Sub xamDataGrid1_RecordFilterChanged(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordFilterChangedEventArgs)
            Dim cv As CollectionView = TryCast(Me.xamDataGrid1.DataSource, CollectionView)
            Me.textBlock2.Text = cv.Count.ToString()
      End Sub
End Class

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to use external grouping with xamDataGrid .

This topic uses code example to demonstrate how to perform external sorts using xamDataGrid control.

This topic explains the external summary calculation feature of xamDataGrid . Summaries are calculated via LINQ.

This serves as a starting point with links to specific topics about the grouping functionality of the xamDataGrid control.

This serves as a starting point with links to specific topics about the sort functionality of the xamDataGrid control.