• XamWebGrid – RequireEmptyContructor exceptions when adding new rows

    If you have the Add New Row feature of the XamWebGrid enabled, when the user attempts to add a new row by placing a cell in the row into edit mode the XamWebGrid automatically tries to instantiate a new instance of a data object of the same type that you have bound to the grid.  For example if you have bound a list of customer objects (eg List<Customer>) as the grids data source, when the end user tries to add a new row…

    • Thu, Oct 29 2009
  • Using complex object bindings in XamWebGrid

    Added in the 9.2 is the ability to use the XAML ‘dot’ notation for binding to complex objects.

    That means if you have a class that includes properties that expose complex objects, you can use dot notation to bind columns in the grid to properties of the complex object.  For example, lets assume you have a Customer class that stores the Address as a complex type like the sample shown below:

    namespace DotNotationDemo…
    • Wed, Oct 28 2009
  • NetAdvantage for Web Client: Silverlight 2009.2

    Its that time again.  Today we are releasing NetAdvantage for Web Client: Silverlight 2009.2, and for such as short development cycle (only 1 month of actual dev time), we’ve packed a ton of new features into this release including 6 new controls, 3 new grid features and one new framework.  Read on for details on the exciting new things that are included in this release.

    xamWebGrid - Date and Image Columns

    The xamWebGrid…

    • Mon, Oct 26 2009
  • NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization 2009.2

    Today Infragisics released version 2009.2 of NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization.  This release includes a number of great improvements to the existing map, timeline and chart controls and the addition of a brand new control, the XamWebBulletGraph.

    Geoimagery Integration

    One of the top requests for the xamWebMap was providing a way to integrate existing map services like Microsofts bing Maps into the control…

    • Sun, Oct 11 2009