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UltraCombo - AutoCompleteMode = Suggest or = SuggestAppend how to get the count of filtered rows?

I am trying to automatically select the row if there is only one row in the list of filtered rows visible in the suggested result.

I have tried the following:

  1. FilteredInRowCount
  2. FilteredInNonGroupByRowCount
  3. GetFilteredInNonGroupByRows()
  4. FilterRow
  5. SelectedRow

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  • 1660
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    Hello Stephen,

    In order to select automatically the row, if there is only one row in the list of filtered rows, you can use the TextChanged event. In it the filtered rows need to be obtained and then if the count is equal to 1, the row that is filtered should be set to the selected row of the combo with the SelectedRow property. To close the drop down you need to use the PerformAction method of the UltraCombo.

    I have created a small sample application, which demonstrates what I have explained above, if this is not an accurate demonstration of what you are trying to achieve, please feel free to modify it and send it back to me with steps to reproduce, additionally you can also provide your own sample.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Ivan Kitanov

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