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PDF Encryption in Infragictics.Documents

I am currently using the Release 16.2 and PDF and get the message that PDF-encryption is not supported in this release.

Is it supported in the current release 20.2 ?

#Region "Encryption"
        Private Sub Encryption_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Encryption.Click
            ' Encryption is not supported in this release
            'SetupReportInfo("Report with Encryption")

            '' Setup Encryption
            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Password.User = "test"
            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Password.Owner = "infragistics"

            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Permissions.Add = False
            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Permissions.Copy = False
            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Permissions.Modify = False
            'report.Preferences.PDF.Encryptor.Permissions.Print = True

            'AddContentToReport("This document is encrypted.")

        End Sub
#End Region

Thank you and best regards

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  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Gerald,

    Unfortunately due to pending government approval regarding export limitations, encryption-related functionality still not supported with V20.2.


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