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Getting active ISL colors/appearance from code


I have been trying to find a way of getting the colours/ appearance of the ISL style loaded in my application, like for example getting the read only color of a UltraTextBox. There is any way to get that information programmatically?

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  • 469350
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    Getting the color from the Isl file is possiblem but it's a bit complicated and it won't necessarily do you any good. The appearance resolution process is pretty complex, so if you want to know the actual on-screen color of the control, your best bet is to get the resolve appearance from the control itself.

    To do that, you use the ResolveAppearance method on the control.

                AppearanceData appearanceData = new AppearanceData();
                AppearancePropFlags appearancePropFlags = AppearancePropFlags.BackColor | AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor;
                this.ultraTextEditor1.ResolveAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref appearancePropFlags);

                Debug.WriteLine(appearanceData.BackColor, "BackColor");
                Debug.WriteLine(appearanceData.ForeColor, "ForeColor");


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