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Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) without Ribbon or hidden Ribbon

Hi, I just need the Quick Access Toolbar without a Ribbon or a hidden ribbon. Is that possible?

I am looking for a way to display a toolbar in the caption bar of a window. Or are there other controls which I can use to realize this?

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  • 28945
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    Hello Nico, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. There is no single property to achieve this. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <>.  The simple thing to do is to just create your own toolbar, separate from the ribbon. You can remove items from the Ribbon (collapse/hide) the ApplicationMenu etc.

    <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu Visibility="Collapsed" />

    and remove all tabs from the XamRibbon's Tabs collection and reduce the height of the Ribbon to 24 to match that of the QAT bar.

    You can go a bit further and take apart the visual tree by toggling the visibility of all the various rootVisual elements in the ribbon's adorner layer that isn't the yellow highlight. eg see below (aka the QATelement). But I am assuming you only want to hide the ribbon some times and not persist this functionality? The default styles are located at the installed location. Below you will see I used snoop to achieve what you desire by setting the Visibility property to Collapse for all the elements under rootVisual that sits next to the RibbonCaptionPanel aka QAT in the visual tree.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\20xx.x\WPF\DefaultStyles\Ribbon

    But do this as a last resort

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