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Grid View sorting on Header


I am evaluating the Infragistics Grid View control. 

There is one functionality that we need and seems to be lacking, which is to allow user to click on a column to perform sorting. The column header also need to indicate the current sort order (a up/down arrow, for example). Also, Data Source Helper cannot be used in my case because the number of columns is dynamic so it cannot simply be represented by properties of object.

I have browsed through the documentation and did not seem to find any clue.

Is it possible to achieve my need with the Grid View control?

Thank you.

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    Since the grid is fully customizable, you can basically do anything you'd like. In this case, you'll want to create your own IGGridViewHeaderCell, and add a UITapGesture so that you can listen for sorting. 

    If you were using the DSH, you could get the sorting part for free, but since you're not, you'll have to sort your data accordingly. 

    On a side note, even though your columns are dynamic, i'd still recommend following the DataSourceHelper approach, and even use the same constructs. 

    If you could describe your how your data model is going to work, i can put together a sample for you that would help you get started. 

