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Change entire specific column's background color in igGrid

I am trying to change the color of entire column of igGrid.

I wrote a JavaScript code in the Index.cshtml page for the same, which is as below:


<div style="float: left;">
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedItmCategory, Model.lstItmCategory, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control", @id = "cmbproj", style = "float:right;", @onChange = "fnAssignModuleName(;" })

@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedItmCategory, new { @id = "hdnSelectedItmCategory" })

function fnAssignModuleName(id) {

var gridId = "DevpProject_Index"; //getting gridId of current controller
var moduleName = $("#" + 'cmbproj' + " option:selected").val(); //getting the CategoryDescription='Others'
var columnIndex;
if (gridId == "DevpProject_Index" && moduleName == "Others")
for (i = 0; i < gridId.length; i++)
//columnIndex = $("#" + gridId + "_" + "DEVP_HDR_VARIANCE_REASONS").data("columnIndex");
//$(grid.igGrid("cellAt", columnIndex, i)).css('background-color', 'red');

$("#" + gridId + "_" + "DEVP_HDR_VARIANCE_REASONS").css('background-color', 'red');
$("#" + gridId + "_" + "DEVP_HDR_VARIANCE_REASONS").css('background-color', '#38B09D');


using line: $("#" + gridId + "_" + "DEVP_HDR_VARIANCE_REASONS").css('background-color', 'red');
I am able to change the required column's header backgroud color in igGrid.

But I want to change the entire column backgroud color in igGrid. For this, I tried below lines of code but the 2nd line is not giving the desired output:

//columnIndex = $("#" + gridId + "_" + "DEVP_HDR_VARIANCE_REASONS").data("columnIndex");
//$(grid.igGrid("cellAt", columnIndex, i)).css('background-color', 'red');

Please let me know how to achieve it.

Thanks in advance

  • 400

    Please suggest some solution. 

  • 17590
    Offline posted in reply to Pree Khanna

    Hello Pree,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    What I can suggest for achieving your requirement is using columnCssClass option of igGrid columns. This property is a space-separated list of CSS classes to be applied on the data cells of this column. You could set this property initially when creating columns collection as following:

          .colStyle {
          .newColStyle {


            .Columns(col =>
              col.For(c => c.ProductID).HeaderText("ProductID").Hidden(false).ColumnCssClass("colStyle");
              col.For(c => c.Name).HeaderText("Name");
              col.For(c => c.ReleaseDate).HeaderText("ReleaseDate");
              col.For(c => c.ProductNumber).HeaderText("Product Number");
              col.For(c => c.Col1).HeaderText("Col1");
              col.For(c => c.Col2).HeaderText("Col2");
    .Features(features =>
           .EditMode(GridEditMode.Row).ColumnSettings(cs => {
        //features.Filtering().Labels(x => { x.Yesterday("a").GreaterThan("ffff"); }).FilterDialogWidth("100");

    Please keep in mind that if this property is set it after initialization dataBind method should be called afterwards in order to re-render igGrid and apply the new css classes. For example if this is done on a button click the code will look like the following:

           $("#grid1").igGrid("option", "columns")[0].columnCssClass = "newColStyle ";

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    Please let me know if you have any further concerns or questions regarding this matter.

    Thank you for using Infragistics components.

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