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CellClickAction not firing when CellValuePresenter Template is changed

I have a xam grid with unbound field whose CellValuePreseneterStyle is set and where I am setting the Template Property of CellValuePresenter to some control say XAMMaskedEditor. On Click of this cell, CellClickAction is not working and SelectedItemsChanged is not firing eve. Could you please help!

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  • 14517
    Offline posted

    Hello Gowri,

    In 14.2 we introduced template fields for the XamDataGrid. I suggest you use a template field as opposed to setting the control template on the CellValuePresenterStyle as this will allow you to easily maintain a lot of the functionality contained in the CellValuePresenter’s default control template. Using a template field allows you to set both a display template and an edit template and will respect the CellClickAction. To learn more about template fields please see

    Let me know if you have any questions.



    Software Developer

    Infragistics Inc
