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Maximized PaneToolWindow

I am creating an application that is intended to be used in a multi-monitor setup, and I am running into a couple of issues. The main window of the application uses WindowState="None" in order to cover the entire screen (including the taskbar). The primary monitor on the computer will always be my application, and I intended on using the XamDockManager's PaneToolWindows to allow the user to move parts of the functionality to other windows. I am using UseOSNonClientArea="False" on the PaneToolWindow so that I can style the window, but I have confirmed that these issues are present even without the custom style (but with UseOSNonClientArea still set to "False").

Here are the issues I am facing:

  • When a PaneToolWindow is maximized on a non-primary monitor that does not have the taskbar, there is always a single pixel at the bottom of the window that is not covered. I set an event handler on the host window's StateChanged event, and it is indeed calculating something wrong somewhere; it was setting the height to 1079 when it should've been 1080.
  • The maximized PaneToolWindow never covers the taskbar, even though its host window has the correct properties set (WindowState="None" and ResizeMode="None"). If the primary monitor, where the main window is running, has the taskbar and a PaneToolWindow is maximized on it, there is a huge space at the bottom of the window showing the main window beneath it.

Is there a way to handle the window size calculation for when the PaneToolWindow is maximized? If I can handle it myself, I can deal with both of these issues.

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