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getter/setter property issue


I have simple hierarchical grid, to which I have attached a list of objects as dataSource. Class for each of these objects, has some properties with getter/setter defined.


private _ID : number;

get ID() : number {

   return this._ID;


set ID(id:number){

   this._ID = id;


After setting dataSource, grid behaves strangely.

1. Scrolling is no more possible.

2. No cell can be set to edit mode. Edit mode gets removed automatically.

Can you please suggest a way to use getter/setter properties with grid?

  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello Kautubh,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    How are you setting up the list of objects?

    Do you have code you can provide of this and the setup of the grid?

    What version of the Infragistics controls are you using?

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