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ultragrid multiple filters slow

Hi all,

Describing the problem is a bit hard, i hope i will make myself clear...

i have a special need:

We are using UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid control that holds up to 50,000 records simultaneously.

We want to use the filters abilities that the grid offers. I would like to offer my users an ability to define multiple filters definitions and save them in order to reload them and compare their results.

For example: Defining "Filter_1" - column1 bigger than 100

                  Defining "Filter_2" - column2 smaller than 50 and column3 bigger than 60

I can define each filter and apply it separately on the grid. But i would like to show my user a short summary before displaying the grid that will summerize the number of results per each Filter.

i wanted to add a list box that will show the following information:

Filter_1 (10,234 items)

Filter_2 (32,000 items)


The only way I've found of doing that is to perform one of the following:

1. Either go through each row and check if the row meets criteria for each filter defined ("Filter_1", "Filter_2") and save counters for the filters.

2. Load the grid with all 50,000 records then apply each filter and save Rows.Count result for each filter.

Both of them are taking a lot of time. I have tested it and using 5 different filters definitions (Filter_1, Filter_2, etc.) takes something like 7 seconds.

This is not applicable for my application, too slow.

is there a faster way to accomplish that? what is the right way for using them?

Thanks in advance,
