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The tag 'TileManagerResourceString' does not exist in XML namespace ''.


I'm using WPF4 Tiles Control and tried using the Color Tuner to assign the Metro theme to the app.  I am now getting an error about not finding TileManagerResourceString in the namespace ''.  Do I need to add a specific library to make this work?

Error 2 The type 'igPrim:TileManagerResourceString' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. C:\.......\Themes\Metro\Metro.xamTileManager.xaml 90 6 SalesTool.UI




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  • 138253
    Offline posted

    Hello Iannick,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can say that this behavior is expected, because the XamTilesControl doesn’t support the Metro Theme, because it is a retired control. And the ResourceStrings you try to use are for the XamTilesManager, which is the same as the TilesControl, but it is a cross - platform control. I also attached a sample with the XamTilesManager, where the Metro theme is applied.


    Hope this helps you.
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