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Infragistics.Documents.Word.Document UltraWinGrid reuse of Infragistics.Documents.Word.WordDocumentWriter output

Hi All

I have question about the Export of an UltraWinGrid in to a Infragistics.Documents.Word.Document I try to create. I found out that I have to export the UltraWinGrid with the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.WordWriter.UltraGridWordWriter. But this needs a Infragistics.Documents.Word.WordDocumentWriter. My question is now how can I reuse the output of the UltraGridWordWriter or WordDocumentWriter to past it into my Document? Or is there a better way of exporting a UltraWinGrid to a Document? I also saw in the QuickWatch that the WordDocumentWriter is using the some Objects than the Document.

THX for Help


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