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how to change xamdatagrid cell style from text to button according to value



In one column of our xamdatagrid, it's just for displaying text. If the string is empty, we need to change it as a button so that we can do something. Can we do this?

If yes, how could we do this?

If no, we can also change the text color to trigger mouse down event. How to handle this?


Thanks for help.

  • 30945
    Offline posted



    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into your question and I can suggest the following approaches for implementing the appearance that you have described:


    1. Use StyleSelector. You can create a style with a button and also create a class that derives from StyleSelector. After that, you can set the CellValuePresentrerStyleSelector property of the FieldSettings of the Field to an instance of the created class. Also you should override the SelectStyle method of that class and in that method, the item parameter will be the value of the cell and the container will be the CellValuePresenter. You can check the value of the cell and return the style that contains the button.
    2. Use Triggers. You can create a style for the CellValuePresenter and add a trigger in the Style.Triggers collection, that sets the Template property of the CellValuePresenter. You can use a DataTrigger and set its Binding to bind to the Value of the cell.


    I have created a sample application for you, that shows how you can implement both of those approaches.


    Please let me know if you need any further assistance on the matter.




    Developer Support Engineer

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