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UltraDropDown in UltraGrid disable editing text (UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList)

i would like the Cells in my ultraGrid (1 Column) to not have the text field editable when bound to a UltraDropDown

I believe I am having a similar issue to the person in this thread:

My problem is that even though I set the UltraDropDown's Column style and the UltraGrid's Column style to UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList they are still editable before and after selecting somthing from the list. I think this may be caused because not every row has a UltraDropDown List bound. This is because some rows need to be editiable by the user.

I have a UltraComboEditor on anjoter part of the page working the way I would like the ultraDropDown's to work in the grid by using UltraComboEditor1.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDownList

I can post some code if it helps, but just figured I'd ask if this is a known bug.

Also posted on Stack Overflow with images