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How to NOT sort values when using the Outlook-GroupBy header?


to start things off, I'll give you my current situation:

I have a column in the WinGrid which is possible to move up to the GroupBy header.
In this column are non-sorted values, e.g. "Word-Vorlage", "Test-Vorlage", "Amtsversion" and so on, in this order.

When I now drag this column to the header, the values of this column will automatically be sorted and grouped.

I want to have the values grouped, but not sorted. I didn't find any properties or other possibilities to solve this problem.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance,

Christopher Schwarz

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    It sounds like what you really want here is for the rows to be sorted, but not alphabetically. You need to sort them in a custom order. That's easy - you just need a SortComparer on the column.

    The rows have to be sorted, though, so that all of the items with the same value are adjacent.
