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DoubleClick on Ultragrid (expanded) ScrollBar.


I'm using a ultragrid on a form. The data is :2 levels, header-child, so i made it expandable.
This is used on a touch screen, on lift truck ... no mouse.
So the left hand + sign (to expand/Colapse) is hard to click, so i added code to the ultragid.doubleclick event.
This expands if it is not, and if it is it colapse the active row ...

When I have multiple first levels, if i expand one row, and the child node as enough rows to make the scrollbar appear,  
when I doubleClick  enough times at the bottom of the scrollbar, all the child nodes colapses, and even if i have 5 parent node, only one will display.

If i click on the remaining row, all comes back to normal?


I'm using netAdvantage 10.3. ...

