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ValueList for filter row in UltraGrid, with icon and text

Hello all,

Here's my scenario : I have a column named "Priority" which is binded to an integer field(ids from 1 to 4, where 1 = urgent, 4 = low priority). Priorities are represented by icons (white, yellow, green, red) and a description (eg : "(red bullet) Urgent"). Thus I have created a ValueList that is associated to the Priority column, where DataValue corresponds to the ID and DisplayText corresponds to its description, and the icon is set with the Appearance.Image property. 44

Up to now, everything is alright : data rows show the good icon. When I enable row filtering, the dropdown shows correctly when in edit mode, and it filters correctly. However, as soon as the filter row loses focus, the priority cell (in the filter row) does not show the text representation of the priority anymore, but its value. So basically it shows "(icon) (id)". Is there something I am missing? i would like the display text to keep showing even when the dropdown does not have focus.

Thank you,