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Setting a default value within an ultradropdown within an ultragrid

I am working on a solution to default a value on load of a certain presenter.  The logic appears to be working (and worked previously with infragistics controls version 10.3 prior to upgrading to 12.3).

The data values are correctly bound and logic in the existing loop functions correctly.  The .SelectRow updates the index correctly but does not reflect the changes on the UI side.  Afterwards the ultragrid is updated to reflect the changes from the dropdown box.  Am I missing something here?  I've tried everything I can think of


// Set default value
for (int i = 0; i < ratecards.Count; i++)
     if (ratecards[i].WrappedObject.IsDefault && _presenter.IsRatecardValid(ratecards[i]))
          _ddRatecardArray[row].SelectedRow = _ddRatecardArray[row].Rows[i];

e.Row.Cells[Properties.Resources.PlanHeaderRatecardCol].ValueList = _ddRatecardArray[row];

[row] is set to 0 as there is an array of ultradropdown boxes per each row of the ultragrid

[properties....] is an abbreviation for the correct column in the ultragrid as well.
