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XamDataChart polar NumericRadiusAxis custom zoom

For scientific purpose, I have this kind of polar chart

I would like to implement a radius zoom on this plot. The HorizontalZoomable/VerticalZoomable is not suitable, I need the the pattern to be centered.

I have disabled the HorizontalZoomable/VerticalZoomable and overriden the mouse wheel event to change the MaximumValue of the NumericRadiusAxis.

It works pretty well except that the out of range values are ignored, the user will think there is no value (see result below) 

The documentation states:

By default, data charts use auto range, which means that the MinimumValue property will be set to the data point with the smallest radius data column and the MaximumValue property will be set to the data points with the largest radius data column. However, manually setting a value range on NumericRadiusAxis will hide all data points with radius data column outside this range.

Is there a way to crop the curve in that case (to keep the zoom behavior) ?

  • 138253
    Offline posted

    Hello Alexandre,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I am wondering if you can send us an isolated sample project with your implementation, so we could be able to investigate this further for you.


    Looking forward for your reply.

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