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copy value in templatecolumn and unboundcolumn of xamgrid


I am able to display value in Templatecolumn and unboundcolumn using ItemTemplate. But when I copy the Xamgrid rows, value is not displayed. 

How can copy the same value which is displayed in XamGrid.

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  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi Gajender,

    The value for the TemplateColumn should have been copied.  TemplateColumn still requires that you provide a Key that matches one of the properties in the datasource.  If the key doesn't match you will get an InvalidColumnKeyException.  So when you copy the row, the value it is going to use is the value inside the property that matches the key.  For UnboundColumn, the XamGrid does not know where to get the value from.  You need to provide a converter to the ValueConverter on the UnboundColumn and inside this converter you will return the value that you want it to copy.
