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format negative decimal value ($X.XX)

In using XamDataGrid CurrencyField the data is bound to a decimal value.  The data is negative.  This column also has a SummaryDefinition.  The data is set up so only one row is displayed by the XamDataGrid.

<igWpf:SummaryDefinition SourceFieldName="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Calculator="Sum" StringFormat="{}Sum = {0:C}" />

<igWpf:CurrencyField Row="2" Column="4" Name="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Label="NSFs" />

The Sum  is displayed Sum = ($7.00)

The cell value is displayed $-7.00 -- I want the cell value to be displayed like the Sum Value ($7.00)

A CurrencyEditor was defined:

<igWpf:CurrencyField Row="2" Column="4" Name="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Label="NSFs" >


<igWpf:FieldSettings EditorType="{x:Type igEditors:XamCurrencyEditor}">


<Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamCurrencyEditor}">

<Setter Property="ValueType" Value="{x:Type sys:Decimal}"/>

<Setter Property="NullText" Value="No Amount"/>

<Setter Property="Mask" Value="{}{currency:7.2}"/>






No the Sum is displayed Sum = ($7.00)

the cell value is displayed No Amount

Why would it think the data value is null in the cell but knows the value in the sum?

What went wrong?

No Data
Reply Children
No Data