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Changing cell style on cell edit


I have a requirement where I need to change the foreground color of the cell (or any visual indicator) in a xamdatagrid cell that would mark that the cell has been edited by the user.Also note, the cell should get restored to normal style if the user enters back the ld value.

My view model supports momento and I have a boolean property for every property that is shown in the grid.
I am able to achieve what I want by overriding the cell value presenter style but seems thee are some glitch.
In the attached example click the set right button in the bottom to see that the changes black foreground is not restored (it gets restored if you click the cells, why?!).
Also the red foreground is changed to black if you hover your mouse on any other cell of the same row that has the changed cell.
Can you please have a look. If you think there is a better way of doing this, please let me know.
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