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Online documentation scenario & suggestions

I see in another post that you are working to improve your documentation. I've been wrestling with the igGrid online documentation myself, and I thought it might be useful to you to see the kinds of problems I was having.

Background: I was looking for a way to detect whether the user had any unsaved changes in the igGrid.

Even though I knew roughly what I was looking for, the pendingTransactions method was almost impossible to find:

  • I searched for keywords like "unsaved", "pending", "changes", "edits", "updates", "transactions", didn't find anything. First of all, it's under igGrid, not iggridUpdating where I did most of my searches. Secondly, it's a Method, not an Option. In other words, to find things I have to search on multiple pages, click the Expand button, then try a bunch of keywords.
  • Then I spent time on the wrong approach (dataDirty) because it was the only thing I found that seemed to fit. I posted in the forum, and a tech explained why it wasn't going to do what I wanted.
  • I don't remember exactly how I then came across pendingTransactions, but clearly some luck was involved. :-)
  • Even now that I know the name "pendingTransactions" I had trouble finding it again the next day. I had tried to save a link to it by right-clicking on it but that doesn't work (I see how to do it now.) So I had to search all the pages again.
  • Googling "iggrid pendingTransactions" fails to return any documentation links I can actually navigate to. It does show some forum posts. The sample code it finds is all for ASP.NET though.

Any of the following would help:

  • Make the documentation work better with Google and other web searches, so they return usable links
  • Have a documentation search function built in to your website
  • Have an index page for all igGrid symbols
  • Have a downloadable PDF of the entire documentation I could search.
  • It would be nice if I could right-click on a link in the documentation and get the URL, instead of the # hack.

igGrid's sample code has been very useful, and your support is top-notch. I feel the documentation is the weak spot, for the reasons I state above.

Hope this helps,


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