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Long Press and Click on cell and row in grid


i want to know how use long press and click actions on cell and row in grid

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  • 34510
    Verified Answer
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    Hi ueldeep,

    When a user clicks/taps on a cell either the cell or the row should get selected so this could be a way to detect when a user clicks on a cell.  There are listeners for these selection events.  Unfortunately handling normal touch events on the IGGridView itself won't work because it appears that the grid will eat up these events.  I handled the OnTouchListener for example and it never fired while I tapped on the cells.

    One way that I did find that works was to handle the touch event on the cell itself.  If you have a custom column definition created you should have access to the created cell.  You can add the touch listener to the cell directly from here and then implement whatever code you need for a cell touch.

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