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igGrid Paging - PagerRecordsLabelTemplate - Unable to use JQuery Templating syntax


I'm trying to set the PagerRecordsLabelTemplate setting for the paging label, but I'm noticing that it's not working correctly using the typical JQuery templating syntax (which is stated in the documentation). I'm using the following code to set this member:

paging.PagerRecordsLabelTemplate = "${startRecord} - ${endRecord} of " +

                                   "{{if ${recordCount} >= 100000 }}" +

                                   "more then 100,000" +

                                   "{{else}}" +

                                   "${recordCount}" +

                                   "{{/if}} records";

Instead of displaying the expected result of "1 - 250 of more then 100,000 records", the grid paging is displaying"1 - 250 of {{if 500000 >= 100000 }}more then 100,000{{else}}${recordCount}{{/if}} records". How do I get the templating feature to work correctly for this field?



  • 17590
    Offline posted

    Hello Paul,

    After discussing this with our development team it was determined that your requirement is an improvement in the existing functionality rather than issue with its current behavior.

     Since we consider our customer's feedback to be crucial for steering improvements at Infragistics the product owner of igGrid logged this idea on our product ideas web site. You could review it at the following link:

    This idea is going to be implemented in the future versions of Ignite UI. What I can suggest is to visit the product ideas site and to vote for this particular one. This will ensure that you are going to be notified whenever new information regarding your idea becomes available.

    Thank you for your feedback and sharing your thoughts with us.

    I hope you find my information helpful.

    Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information regarding this matter.