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IGGrid - Sort on Multiple displaying grouped columns twice

I am using Iggrid. The preferences are stored in the database (Groupby, GroupBySort, column sort etc).

Applying the Columnsort and GroupbySort as follows

// Column Sort
this.Details.UserGridSortColumnSettings.push({"columnKey": x.ColumnName, "currentSortDirection": x.IndvidualSort});

// GroupBy Column Sort
this.Details.UserGridGroupByColumnSettings.push({ "columnKey": x.ColumnName, "isGroupBy": true, "dir": x.GroupBySort});

After grid initilization, when i select "Sort on Multiple" option, could see sorted columns getting showed twice. whereas Columnsort is displayed once.

In  modalDialogContentsRendering event, tried returning unique values as follows, but didnt work.

var uniqueVals = ui.owner._tempExpr;
ui.owner._tempExpr = [];
return $.each(uniqueVals, function (i, el) {
if ($.inArray(el, ui.owner._tempExpr) === -1) ui.owner._tempExpr.push(el);

Request your help on this