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Grid Width=100% After Postback

I have a page with multiple webdatagrids on it, I use the javascript column resizing solution I found on this site that works fine. Due to that I don't use any width sizing for my grids. On a page with three grids in an update panel (these grids are part of a custom control I made that will display a specific grid based on setup) I have the following types: a paged grid with multiple columns, a grid with 2 columns and a grid with 1 column. When there is a partial postback (in this case by selecting another page in the paged grid, but have also tested with timer control) the multi column grid expands to 100%, but the paged grid is fine. I check the HTML and there the inline style now shows Width=100%. The only way I can make that grid not expand is to hide a column so it's a single column. What is the cause of the inline style being changed on postback and how can I stop it?

Inline style after first load: style="height: 518px; overflow: hidden; width: 235px; visibility: inherit;

Inline style after postback: style="height: 518px; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; visibility: inherit;