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Maximize/Set the limit on Zoom. Customize behavior of X axis labels.

Dear Infragistics Support team,

I have been using xamDataChart to present live data, and have 3 questions regarding this since I was unable to find the solution neither in SampleBrowser nor on this Forum. I am receiving data every second and representing it with LineSeries. 600 data points are the maximum to be shown - Starting from 10 minutes into the chart I am deleting the oldest point and showing the new one.

1. Is there a way to set the limits for the zooming? Let's say I want 1 second (on X axis) to be the maximum. Or maybe to have 5x, 10x zoom i.e.? The best solution would be to set the limit on both Horizontal and Vertical Zoom.

2. I have left the Interval and MinorInterval of the CategoryXAxis to be automatically set (Strokes are set) because the performance is better than when using MinorInterval=1. Although the behavior is very nice at the moment, I would ideally change the density of the labels dynamically -  first it could be every point, then every 10th, then every 30th etc. As soon as I zoom in I would show label for every second again.

3. Is it possible to make automatically zooming in after the 60seconds? So, I would have a maximum of 600 datapoints but would force a window of 60 datapoints. 

(the third point is the least important and basically a backup for point 2)

Chart Example is shown at the screenshot.

Thank you very much in advance,