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infragistics45.web.v14.2, version=14.2.2014.2317 does not exsist

I am using a Siemens application which ships with NetAdvantage ASP.NET 2011.1, NetAdvantage ASP.NET 2012.2 and ASP.NET 2014.2. the software asks for infragistics45.web.v14.2, version=14.2.2014.2317 and this reports an error that this does not exsist. we have tried reinstalling all 3 netadvantage versions but the Infragistics45 assemblies do not appear.

I am trying to find if these assemblies actually ship with NetAdvantage 14.2 as these do not appear to load when i run this install

  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello Marcus,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    From the information you have provided it seems that you do not have .NET 4.5 installed and that is why the 4.5 assemblies are not installing. Can you check to see if you have .NET 4.5 installed? What version of visual studio are you using?