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igCombo - filtering behavior

I need somehow to configure igCombo so on the drop down it would clear text box and then filter out while user is typing... currently 

filteringType: 'local', autoComplete: true,  are providing this behavior... here is the problem : when combo is initialized to some value  (  $('#comboLESubj').igCombo("option", "selectedItems", [{ index: ind }]);) .. then when drop down is pressed it  displays only that one value, unless clear button is pressed and then drop down after pressed again shows all the values.  What is probably needed is to clear text box on drop down opening the way so it will clear all the filtering so the full list of items is displayed on first click.  

Attached working html sample with all sources where this behavior is displayed on the  $("#comboLESubj").igCombo({     .. please notice that it is 13.2, it is not expired until the end of this month and this project is not upgradable....    again I am looking for the way to configure or add something to the drop down opening so that drop down will show full list of items on the first click and then original filtering/autocomplete functionality will continue when user starts entering in the  control text box... attached working htm file with demo behavior in the #comboLESub control 
