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Infragistics 2007 ver. 2 hotfix 'Error Creating Control'
Hello All,  I recently installed the latest hotfix for 2007 ver. 2.  Shortly after the install, VS2005's designer started displaying errors when viewing the page in design mode.  Many of the Infragistics controls came up with the box saying 'Error Creating Control: the_Control_Name: Failed to create designer ', System.Design, version=, Culture=neutral, public Token=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' Has anyone had this problem?  I figured since it was a hotfix I wouldn't need to run the update utility... Can someone confirm?  Also, the application has been compiled since the hotfix was installed and has no runtime errors.  I'm sure it’s something simple that I don't yet know about ;) Thanks Patrick
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    The Answer:Project upgrade utility needs to be run or you need to manually change the version number to meet the new version of the assemblies.  In this case version was updated to the 7.2.20072.1069.  EX:<%@ Register TagPrefix="igtbl" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid" Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7.2, Version=7.2.20072.1069, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" %> An important note: Conflict occurs when rendering ultrawebgrid in design view if you are using one of the office presets and have set the horizontal align property of a column header.  This results in the error 'Error Rendering control ...' however this does not affect the app during run time.