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UltraSuite2.0 Unable to locate license assembly.

While trying to use an UltraCombo, I'm receiving:
An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo. The exception was "Unable to locate license assembly.".

My license.licx file is empty.  Is there a way I can regenerate this file?  The DLLs being referenced are:

When I re-install UltraSuite2.0, these DLLs aren't recreated.
I've tried reinstalling UltraSuite3.0 with no luck.
I've tried removing the existing DLL references and readding them.
I've tried adding references to other Infragistics controls, but received "no strong name specified" errors.

Thank you.

  • 5124

    I have never worked with UltraSuite, so this issue is not something I am intimately familiar with, but that error massege can sometimes mean that the assembly named Infragistics.License is not found.  This is usually placed in the GAC if NetAdvantage is installed, and is used whenever you do design work in Visual Studio, if not in the build process too.

    I don't believe you need to concern yourself much with licenses.licx.  When Visual Stiudio does its license checking, I believe it writes to that file....but you need not have anything in there to start the build process.  When in doubt, I often empty the contents of licenses.licx.

    I hope this helps...

  • 45
    Verified Answer

    The problem I had was that I was installing the UltraSuite ActiveX control, when what I really needed was the install path NetAdvantage 2003.  Once I installed NetAdvantage 2003, the licensing error was resolved.