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Enter event in WebDialogWindow(Firefox Issue)


        i have a webdialogwindow inside the Webform. webform has OK button.

i opened the webdialogwindow from the WebForm and then press enter.

then My webForm OK button event is fire, while i have kept the button inside the

WebDialogWindow also.

why webForm button event is fire, when webdialogwindow open?

 WebForm Button event should not be fire when Dialogwindow is opend.

This behaviour is working in the Firefox .

  • 49378

    Hi Mypost,

    It has been some time since your post, but in case you still need assistance I would be glad to help.

    I have tested WebDialogWindow 11.2 in Firefox, however so far all events are being fired as expected. In order to investigate this further I would need a small sample illustrating this behavior.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.