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Microsoft JScript runtime error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.

I have a simple ASP.NET application I am changing from classic ASP.NET to Infragistic controls.  I am running .NET Framework 4.0, AJAX Control Toolkit 4, and Infragistics for ASP.NET 4.

Default.aspx has a Infragistics datagrid that has several items in it.  You click ona row to select an item.  It posts back gets the two values in the grid to pass to a details web page (Response.Redirect with the parameters on query string). 

The details web page only has a couple of standard ASP.NET controls on it. 

When the details web page loads - it does properly read the parameters passed on the query string. 

But when the details web page (I guess) renders it throws an error:

In Default.aspx [dynamic]


In the lines that read:


<script type="text/javascript">


if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error(' ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.');




The error is:


Microsoft JScript runtime error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.

Ive tried the other things I can find on the internet regarding this problem. 

Any ideas?





  • 1470
    Offline posted

    The above example was .NET Framwork 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010.

    I was able to duplicate the error using .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 3.5 Visual Studio 2008



  • 1470
    Offline posted

    I do have a Response.Redirect() from the first webpage to the other webpage.  Looks as is Infragistics does not like Response.Redirect ?

  • 1470
    Offline posted

    I tried the other ways of doing Response.Redirect (ASP.NET and Infragistics RegisterStartupScript) and neither did any good.  Then I saw examples of where people were using Response.Redirect in Infragistics applications.

    Latest thoughts are that there must be a problem with the data grid.  I need to populate a grid and then the user selects a row of the grid.  When the user selects a row in the grid, it postbacks, and redirects to another web page with different data. 

    This is my data grid for testing purposes for now:

                    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" DataKeyFields="ApplicationID" EnableDataViewState="true"
                            <ig:Selection Enabled="true" CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single">
                                <AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="True" />

    I guess I will spend today removing some of these values to find out if any of them are causing the problem. 

  • 1470
    Offline posted

    It appears the problem is when a row is selected, the grid calls the event handler


    and you try to access the selected rows in the handler







    If WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows.Count > 0


    selectedRow = WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows(0)

    strApplicationID = selectedRow.Items(0).Value.ToString()

    CodeKey = selectedRow.Items(1).Value.ToString()




    "~/Default2.aspx?CodeKey=" & CodeKey.Trim() & "&ApplicationID=" & strApplicationID, True






    Under these circumstances - it blows up.  If the user selects a row in the grid, the event handler is disabled (removed), and the user clicks a button - then the above code works fine.

  • 1470
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Is Infragistics still around?  Have not heard anything from them.  Anyways - in case someone else is still using their controls - the answer is  - you have to set





    in the WebDataGrid - and then it all works fine.  My grid ended up looking like



    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" DataKeyFields="ApplicationID" EnableDataViewState="true" Width="100%" EnableAjax="false" >






    <ig:Selection Enabled="true" CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single">



    <AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="True" />








