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Enable Done button programmatically

 In an Iggrid, is there a way to enable the Done button programmatically?

Building a site for translation of texts from one language to another, so there are 2 columns, TextToTranslate and TranslatedText

The scenario is as follows:

1. The user click on a row in the grid

2. An Ajax Call take the TextToTranslate in the selected row, translate it "automatically" and put it in the TranslatedText column

   $("#igGridText").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "TranslatedText").igEditor("value", translateTextToAnotherLanguage);

Everything is fine until here... the Done button is not enabled, which is fine, but..

3. We happens to be able to verify that the text is "good enough", and if it is.... We like to enable the DONE button programmatically, so that the user just have to klick it!

Is this possible!?



Mikael Segerby