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Error in DataContext


I get an error in DataContext when running a report. In designtime the preview works fine but in runtime the error in DataContext popups with the following stacktrace:

Infragistics.Reports.Engine.EngineException: Error in DataContext =DataSources.sqlDataSourceSalesWeb. ---> Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.EngineDataException: Error in DataContext sqlDataSourceSalesWeb. ---> Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ConnectionStringNotFoundException: Exception of type 'Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ConnectionStringNotFoundException' was thrown.    at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.QueryHelper.RunQuery[T](String dataProvider, String connectionString, Query query, IDictionary`2 parameterValues, Func`2 action, CommandBehavior behavior, DbConnection customDbConnection)    at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.SqlReportDataProvider.Execute()    at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ReportDataSourceManager.GetReportDataSource(DataSource reportDataSource)    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---    at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ReportDataSourceManager.GetReportDataSource(DataSource reportDataSource)    at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.RuntimeEvaluationContext.<>c__DisplayClass2.<AddDataSource>b__1()    at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.EvaluatorHelper.Accessor(Object target, String propertyName, Boolean onParent, Boolean scaleUp)    at lambda_method(Closure , IRuntimeEvaluationContext )    at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.EvaluatorVisitor.Evaluate(Expression expression)    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- An error occurred while binding an expression.


The XAML of the reportviewer is:

        <ig:XamReportViewer Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,12,12,43" Name="xamReportViewer">
                <ig:ClientRenderSettings DefinitionUri="/SalesWeb.Sales;component/Reports/OrderConfirmation.igr" />
Nothing is done in code behind to change the datasource or something.
What is it that I am doing wrong?
Thanks for any assitance.
  • 155
    Verified Answer
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    Found it, problem was that this is an application with multiple modules and the connection string was in the app.config of the module and not in the app.config of the main application.